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Can't get the dialogue to become Thane of Haafingar


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Hi, I am having trouble with getting the dialogue to become Thane of Haafingar from Elisif. I've finished all of Potema quests & horn delivery, and I was hoping to get the quest, which requires helping the people of Haafingar. Yes, I already bought the house.





I just can't get Elisif to say if she needs any other help.. Is there any way that can possibly initiate the quest?

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  • 1 year later...

This has been discussed many times... before you try to become Thane make sure you have all requirements already.. help as many people out as you can it takes 5 but some don't seem to count help as many as you can. Also before trying to become Thane a save should be made in case it glitches on you.. After you do Wolfskull cave do not talk to Elisif tell Faulk your done leave the castle. Go help people and wait till the guards say something about Proudspire being a fine house for sale. By now you should have at helped at leases 7 people now go buy the house and the talk to Elisif she should give you the horn quest. When done with the horn quest talk to her don't not leave the dialog box it should ask" is there anything else you need" She should talk about being Thane.. the dialog box should give you the " I have met the requirements"... Your now Thane :)

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  • 1 year later...

I've got the same problem. I already finished all Potema's quests, helped 7 NPCs in solitude and still haven't "Is there anything else you need, my Jarl?" . Then I realized that i didn't do a Bard's College quest. After Viarmo's scene at jarls court, I've get Thane line...

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