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oblivion keeps exiting the window


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hello, Since i installed The shivering isles my oblivion worked fine. but when i keept on playing the game just keeps exiting the windows. first it was pretty common, once every hour or so, then they're getting as frecuent as 3-5 minutes, i cant get it to stop, i even tried installing the unofficial patches. nothing. after that i reinstalled, still nothing. any suggestions on whats wrong? i run alot of mods but i'm sure my pc can take it




CPU: AMD FX 8300 Octa core CPU 3,9 GHz


GPU: AMD Radeon HD8760 2GB


RAM: 8 GB DDR3 (8 x 1)


Memory: 1TB HDD 7200 RPM


i dont think it matters but 10 Mbit/s ethernet connection


would aprichiate a quick answer.


if you need any further info tell me,



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We'll need quite a bit more info to get to the bottom of this. Crashing in modded Oblivion is a fact of life. There are some things that you've been doing (or haven't done) that can make things worse.


First what mods have you added to the game besides the UOPs. A complete list really helps, and if you use Wrye Bash a load order from it has lots of extra info about your load order.


What sort a saving do you do? Are you a quicksaver or do you use the save from the Esc menu? Do you overwrite saves or save into a new slot each time? Do you have a lot of playing hours on this save or series of save for this character?


Are the crashes happening when you approach a certain area or does it happen no matter where you go after loading the save?

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