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Problems adding meshes to hairstyle in Nifskope


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Ah, the ring you originally used has no NiSkinInstance, yes, but it is rigged to the finger, via the NiStringExtraData. I'm sorry, but as far as I know, the only way to properly rig a mesh is using 3D modelling software (don't turn up now, but Blender is giving you a funny stare right now, grinning).


I don't recommend you forcing the Noob to Pro book down your throat now. Just have a look at the tutorials available here at the Nexus. For instance, this: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/37209


It covers editing, rigging and exporting head meshes, but the basics it explains are incredibly useful for other meshes, too.


Be aware you will need not only Blender itself, but also the Nif Import/Export Script.


Or, even better, use Room's Portable Blender build, it has everything you will need. Grab it here: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/42755/?


I assumed you were a native German XD



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I see two Scene Roots ... I think that will cause trouble too. I thought I had something on that in my Drakes Tips text file (I keep a text file of DrakeTheDragons answers to posts on various topics) but I can't seem to find it in there now ... could be in another file. May he'll pop in with some advice.

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Yup. Having two Scene Roots is the reason I recommended her to clean her Nif. Among other issues I think I see there.


Though I think it will be less messy to start anew.



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Just thought I'd stop by and let you both know that I am still here and haven't given up. :wink: I haven't had time and won't for another day or two, but I did try the cleaning thing to no avail. As soon as I can though, I'll go through that tutorial you linked, Ike. And then I suppose I'll just start over in Blender. :tongue:


Thanks, you two. :smile:



I assumed you were a native German XD

Understandable. My country is listed as Germany. :)

Edited by ToxicCosmos
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Hey, Toxic!


Just a warning:


once you start blendering, your fall to the Mod Side of the Force will be total. No turning back. Start thinking about a good Sith name. What about Darth Toxic?


With Striker and me at your side there's nothing you couldn't do.


Except getting rid of the neck seam, that is. That little *beep* is immortal.



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Hey Ike ... didn't you catch my drift when I said NOOBish in all things NifSkopery and Blenderish. Heck I'll be doing a ride along.


You gave me the day's first chuckle in xENJAJVEx's thread (available for free everywhere ... neck seams are sold). I'm still holding out hope that a combination of Seam Mender and Blockhead applied body normal maps and textures combined with age texture maps can get as close as we've ever been to banishing the bugger. That's what got me to make my first not very successful foray into the Forest of Blender (where there's so many trees I can't see the forest).

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Hey, Striker.


Truth be said, you have a natural ability to see things that I oversee, so I am pretty confident the both of us will make a good journey companions for Toxic, at least before she finally loses her mind out of frustration and the Men In White put a "How-Much-I-Love-Myself" shirt on her, the poor child.


I am not really an expert on Blender myself. I have managed to learn how to model from scratch, adapt existing meshes, bake textures, and rigging, but my Force Powers stop there. I also have the Noob to Pro Book and my Goodness, that thing can make things you wouldn't believe. Blender, not the book. The book, as I soon discovered, has its own secret abilities (printed and properly rolled on makes an helluva fly-swatter).



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Didn't know there's a book on it ... next time I'm in Toronto I'll be visiting The Worlds Biggest BookStore (that's it's name, really).

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