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[Creation Kit] Basic activators/collision boxes not visible in render window.


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When I drag any basic activator or collision box from the object list to the render window, they aren't visible.


It should be noted that xmarkers and heading markers can be seen, activators with meshes are visible as well, but things like trigger boxes are not (but they are selectable in the cell view).


Markers are set to be visible, collision geometry is set to be visible as well, still nothing.


Any fixes?

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 years later...

I ran into the issue of trigger boxes not appearing, and what worked for me was to add the trigger boxes in this fashion... Pushing the T square button at the top of the kit then selecting the trigger you wanted to use.

It took a good hour or so of trying different attempts, from scrubbing through the ini files to pressing c and 2 many many times. I was pulling the triggers directly from the object window, for some peculiar reason the creation kit was not having it.

Hope this helps someone.


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  • 3 months later...

I ran into the issue of trigger boxes not appearing, and what worked for me was to add the trigger boxes in this fashion... Pushing the T square button at the top of the kit then selecting the trigger you wanted to use.

It took a good hour or so of trying different attempts, from scrubbing through the ini files to pressing c and 2 many many times. I was pulling the triggers directly from the object window, for some peculiar reason the creation kit was not having it.


Hope this helps someone.


It definitely helped me - found this thread after about 30 minutes of trying to figure it out on my own. This must be another bug with the Creation Kit, because there shouldn't be any difference between using the toolbar and manually dragging the trigger from the Object window. And apparently it's a bug that carried over into the SE version of the Creation Kit.


Thank you very, very much! I'm so used to doing it the drag-and-drop way, I wouldn't have thought to try the toolbar icon in a million years...

Edited by Omegacron
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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 4 months later...

I wasted an hour of my life trying to figure out why in the world the activation box was not showing up in game..... as it turns out the box was sitting at 45 degrees. Geez! something so simple! timsterse's comment above is valid.

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