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SG Hair Pack 268


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Hello everyone! I'm new to the modding community and I thought I would try the SG Hair Pack 268. I installed it but now it causes the game to crash on the character creation menu when I try to make a new female character. I tried downloading show racer menu precache killer because I heard that it stops this problem however it still crashes on me when I try to make a female character. Any help with this would be very appreciated!

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Help! I have the same problem! Except that my SKSE is working (as it seems) but the problem eprsists despite me having thew precache thingy.

The thing is however, if I start the game from Steam; I get an error about my SKSE being version (and I made sure to install it in the Skyrim folder, not Data so that isn't the problem...) When I load skse_loader.exe this pop-up doesn't show, HOWEVER ShowRaceMenu still crashes everything. I tried testing all the mods to see which caused the problem, and the problem ONLY occures when I insert the SG Hairpack.esp part.... Please help :/

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  • 5 weeks later...

A word about SKSE. In order for it to work you MUST start the game from skse_loader.exe ; never from Steam. If you want to use Steam's start button, you can work around this dilemma by doing the following:


Go into steamapps/common/skyrim

Rename SkyrimLauncher(.exe) to something like SkyrimLauncherORIGINAL and then rename the skse_loader.exe file to SkyrimLauncher.exe


This will allow you to hit "Play" in Steam and have SKSE work. Mind you, if you ever decide to have Steam check the integrity of the game files, you need to switch back to the original names or else Steam will give you a new launcher, which you don't need.

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