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Hi all!


Well this ain't really a technical problem, but I thought that it'd fit best here.


I just got a character which looks really nice with FaceGenTexturing DISABLED, so I just get that standardtone, but all the NPCs doesn't look like they should.

But if I ACTIVATE the FaceGenTexturing, everything becomes the right tone, but my character just looks kinda crappy. The reason for that is, that I didn't know that FaceGenTexturing was OFF when i created my character, so I just changed the tonevalues in the craziest ways.


Anyway, what I wanted to ask is if I can enable FaceGenTexturing without loosing the "standard" tone of my character. Maybe there is a way to use the "Reset" button in the racemenu, so that only the tone but not the shape is reseted to standard.


Any help appreciated!

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What is FaceGenTexturing? An .ini setting?


Could you post pictures of the problem?



You probably have to activate it, and then type "showracemenu" in the sunlight, and fix your character manually.

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Yes it is.


Well there is not really much to post...

If activated, the "Tone" changes in the racemenu does actually "do" something, but if deactivated, ALL characters get the standard tone -> this is what I want for my character.

Problem with the manual fixing I will never be able to get the normal standard tone, since every little change of a tone, changes almost all the other tones (like beard, face, cheeks, etc.)

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