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Trouble to deactivate V-Sync


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Well, in order to get more FPS, I want to deactivate V-Sync. The problem is that I can only deactivate it with the Launcher. When I open the launcher, it resets my video config. No trouble with that. But when I get into the game and change the video settings accord to my will the game says it have to be restarted. When I get back into the game, the video settings weren't saved and I can't do anything more... I hope you guys understood my problem, thanks!
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Does the game CTD after you hit exit? The settings won't save if the game crashes.
No, it just don't save my video config.


Change the vsync in the launcher, enter the game, open the console, type "saveini" without the quotes.
Thank you very much. I'll try this. *-*


Edit: It actually worked, but now the game textures are very bright. >.<

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When you opened the Launcher.exe it probably reset your video settings to default which could be Low or Very Low which changed your shader package. Often the Launcher improperly selects your default settings and you need to manually override them. Very common problem with newer ATI 57xx series cards, or any card manufactured after Oblivion support ceased. Open the Launcher.exe again and manually set the settings to High or Very High and remember to turn off V Sync. Now launch the game again and this will load the proper shaders fixing the brightness issue, and others you probably just haven't noticed yet. Don't forget to save the ini again. :thumbsup:
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When you opened the Launcher.exe it probably reset your video settings to default which could be Low or Very Low which changed your shader package. Often the Launcher improperly selects your default settings and you need to manually override them. Very common problem with newer ATI 57xx series cards, or any card manufactured after Oblivion support ceased. Open the Launcher.exe again and manually set the settings to High or Very High and remember to turn off V Sync. Now launch the game again and this will load the proper shaders fixing the brightness issue, and others you probably just haven't noticed yet. Don't forget to save the ini again. :thumbsup:
Omg... I'm surprised with your post. Thank you very much. Seriously. My video card is ATI HD 5770. Thank you, again. =]


Edit: It worked. Thank you very much. :]

Edited by Shykary
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