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Issues With Marriage


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Alright so here's the deal: I want to get married in Skyrim, but there seems to be some issues. Okay so I have a mod that adds a marriagable follower named Fina into the game, I put on the amulet of mara, propose, blah blah blah. Fast forward to the wedding day, Maramal tells me to attend my wedding and I wait until dawn and show up and I am all excited then bam, I fail the wedding and everyone hates me including Fina. I looked up this issue and have heard there's a bug where if a follower once died their body would show up at the wedding and ruin it. I use UFO and once led a group of followers to a bandit camp and Uthgerd the Unbroken died, but that was over a month ago, I tried resurrecting her and teleporting to her but I got stuck on the loading screen for 20 minutes then I closed skyrim. The confusing part though is that no bodies even show up at the wedding, so I have no way of cleaning up the mess. I have tried the wedding so many times, each time doing something new. I dismissed all of my followers, and still my wedding failed. I also had a couple followers before and I uninstalled their mods without dismissing them, I'm not sure if that could be the cause. If anyone has any ideas or solutions please let me know as soon as you can. Thanks for reading!

Edited by Aboveexpert
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It could well be the uninstalled mods you mentioned, if you didn't revert to a previous save without them. Does it still happen in a new game?


Otherwise, are you using the Unofficial Patches? They fix several metric tons of bugs.

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It could well be the uninstalled mods you mentioned, if you didn't revert to a previous save without them. Does it still happen in a new game?


Otherwise, are you using the Unofficial Patches? They fix several metric tons of bugs.

I tried skipping back to a save long before I installed the NPC mods and once again attempted to marry Fina but it yielded the same results. I suppose that eliminates the NPCs as a suspect, perhaps it is Uthgerd the Unbroken but her body was deleted so it's an invisible body showing up and crashing the party. And yes I use the unofficial patches. Thanks for your suggestions! If you have any other possible explanations please let me know. Thanks

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Update: I just managed to resurrect Uthgerd the Unbroken (I did not spawn a new one) and she is once again alive and in the bannered mare, however when I attempted to once again get married, everyone still got all angry at me. I'm running out of ideas, does anyone have any suggestions?

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Not really. I've never had any problems with the wedding myself, at least none that couldn't be fixed by reloading a save.


You might have to bite the bullet and start a new game.

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Not really. I've never had any problems with the wedding myself, at least none that couldn't be fixed by reloading a save.


You might have to bite the bullet and start a new game.

I've spent the last few months on this save and am now level 53 and I'm sooo close to being Jarl of Ivarstead, I've come too far. I might just have to let go the idea of a wedding. Thank you for all of your suggestions, it means a lot that you took the time to try helping a clueless guy like me!

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Ahem, ladies and gentlemen. After over two weeks of searching for a solution, I can finally say that this issue is SOLVED and can be forgotten and we can all be glad that it's over. Yesterday I decided to give one last shot to fix it and I decided to go through all of my mods, anything that had to do with riften or marriage was thrown out. Eventually I stumbled across THIS mod which I had forgotten about but it claimed to fix marriage bugs and make the whole ceremony better. Clearly they were wrong as when I uninstalled it, the marriage went through perfectly and now I can give my wife the wedding ring that I made. Everyone lived happily ever after!

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Ah! Glad that you solved it! And I suspect you don't need a bugfix mod for marriage anyway, seeing as the Unofficial Patches have fixes in that area. Maybe that mod was conflicting with one.


(Keep in mind, though -- removing mods from an existing save is generally not recommended. Now that you've identified the likely culprit, you should probably put your other mods back in (if you haven't already), and go back to your last save before the wedding that still has them -- or something else might bug out later.)

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  • 1 month later...

hey i'm having a different problem i get to where my wife to be is at the alter but when i go up to it nothing happens we just stand there looking at each other awkwardly. i tried it with the amulet on and with it off i think its a mods fault but i tried uninstalling it and trying again but same result


S.O.S. somebody help pls!!! >.<

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