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Ninja based Armor/Clothing


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I have a request if there are willing and or are not to busy Modders out there I would like to see or get a modded a outfit/Armor designed to look like the Outfit that Strider Hiryu uses in the Games Strider, and Marvel Vs. Capcom, and or possibly the Armor that Ryu Hayabusa wears in Ninja gaiden from Xbox, or the armor/clothing from the Tenchu Stealoth Assassin Games, if needed I can supply you with many pictures of the outfit and or of Strider Hiryu, Ryu Haybusa and or rikimaru, Ayame Azuma; even if you Modders are not willing thanks you for your time I love the mods you Modders have made for Oblivion it is one of my favorite games I have played even if I suck at modding my self it is fun to see and use the array of mods that exist out there, and this is one mod I would love to see and use. So again thanks for your time. I have included several pictures to this message.


Strider Armor/clothing:




Strider Cypher Sword Picture Links:




Strider Hiryu:




Symbol on Strider's Gi:





Links for Ryu Hayabusa Pictures:




Ryu Armor/Clothing cosplay links:




Tenchu Armor/Clothing:



































ok i dont know why it has been doing this but every time i try to edit something it screws up the coding so that one cant look at the links so i attatched the original request i typed out as a attatched file tho i doubt anyone will look at it rofl




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Just a little word of advice if you want people to help you. Don't post so much at once because it's hard to get a grasp of what you are actually looking for. The first 20 links could be deleted because most of them doesn't work and the rest is rediculously low quality that no modder with any self-respect would model from. The rest is okay I guess, though I didn't look at them all.
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Also, some people would lose interest. Twenty images is a lot to look at, particularly if it's a different mod for every image. Work your way through them one at a time.


Decent Ninja Mod


But yeah just look around. There's plenty of good ninja mods out there. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/turned.gif




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ok i did not know that some of the links had died so i removed the dead ones the others are links to pictures from different angles to help those that moght be willing




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ok i did not know that some of the links had died so i removed the dead ones the others are links to pictures from different angles to help those that moght be willing


oh and by the way i have that mod it is called Enter The Shinobi, nice mod but would love to get the mods i have requested to use with it.


AyameAzuma- when you have new information to add to a post that is less than a couple of days old, please use the edit button to add the new information to your post that you had made earlier today. As repeated posts in the same thread is considered to be "bumping" the thread, which is against the rules. Which would result in your thread getting locked, and possibly disciplinary action from the staff.

Lets not see that happen, ok?

Thanks ;)


Good luck with the mod request :)



Edited by DarkeWolf
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