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technically challenged asking for advice about mods


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Actually, it's because I am more used to UNIX and Linux systems (right now I am on a GNULinux OS), and here these things are called File Managers.


But yes, the days of my prime are a little bit overdue.



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Spyder, can you put here a screen capture of the main Oblivion Mod Manager panel, the one that opens by default, where the list of mods installed is?


One of the main causes of these crashes on startup is a wrong load order of the plug-ins. If we can see the list as OBMM shows it, we will know if that's the case.



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Another load order trick is just looking at the file dates for the ESP files and the ESM files. Generally Oblivion.esm will have the oldest file date (but if it doesn't don't worry ... that's what the game will load first regardless). For all of you DLCs (e.g. DLCShiverIsles.esp) the corresponding UOP should have a newer date (and right down to the second counts, especially after you have your load order sorted by a utility like BOSS).


For example my BOSS sorted DLCShiveringIsles.esp is dated 8/12/2006 12:56 PM and my Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp is dated 8/12/2006 12:57 PM (so in my load order the UOP is lower on the list than the DLC). Don't worry that your dates and times aren't close to mine. BOSS (Better Oblivion Sorting Software) changes the dates and times to adjust the load order. The game doesn't care what date or time a particular ESP or ESM is, it just requires that the master file be loaded before the ESP file (and in this example DLCShiveringIsles.esp is the master for the UOP that patches it).


Bben46 has a wkik page with step by steps using either Wrye Bash, OBMM or LOST (the links to each at the top of the page for each of those are still pointing to the old pages ... thus you need to copy the mod number part ... 2097 for OBMM ... and paste or type that into a working Nexus Mods Oblivion page ... but you already have OBMM, so moot point).

Edited by Striker879
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cant seem to get a screen shot in a format under the 250kb limit for the forum. so i'll type it out. top to bottom on the obmm screen. this is the left column in obmm. the right column is completely empty. hope this helps.



unofficial oblivion patch.esp

uops additional changes.esp

oblivion citadel door fix.esp

unofficial shivering isles patch.esp

usips additional changes.esp

dlchorsearmor-unofficial patch.esp

dlcorrery-unofficial patch.esp

dlcfrostcrag-unofficial patch.esp

dlcthievesden-unofficial patch.esp

dlcthievesden-unofficial patch-sssb.esp

dlcvilelair-unofficial patch.esp

dlcmehrunesrazor-unofficial patch.esp

dlcspelltomes-unofficial patch.esp

knights-unofficial patch.esp

dlcbattlehorncastle-unofficial patch.esp

uop vampire aging & face fix.esp











bashed patch. o.esp



now, to the right of all of them is a box. every box except the last one (bashed patch) is checked. just to the right at the top it says 'part of'. under that the first one 'oblivion.esm' it says base. everyother one says 'unknown'



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Missing master crash for sure (look at your DLCs way down near the bottom and your UOPs for them above all DLCs).


I see a bashed patch at the bottom of your list ... have you made the jump to Wrye Bash? If so we can get you set up with BOSS and then school you on "The Way" ... install, BOSS, bash ... in that order.

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Nope, Striker, OBMM also can create and manage the Bashed Patch, in fact it always creates one, empty, by default.


Spyder, your load order is a mess, I'm sorry. Let's see if we can improve it.


Try sorting all the mods this way. To move any of them, simply click its name (not the checkbox) to highlight it, and use the "Move up" or "Move down" buttons.













unofficial oblivion patch.esp

uops additional changes.esp

oblivion citadel door fix.esp

dlchorsearmor-unofficial patch.esp

dlcorrery-unofficial patch.esp

dlcfrostcrag-unofficial patch.esp

dlcthievesden-unofficial patch.esp

dlcthievesden-unofficial patch-sssb.esp

dlcvilelair-unofficial patch.esp

dlcmehrunesrazor-unofficial patch.esp

dlcspelltomes-unofficial patch.esp

knights-unofficial patch.esp

dlcbattlehorncastle-unofficial patch.esp

uop vampire aging & face fix.esp

unofficial shivering isles patch.esp

usips additional changes.esp

bashed patch. o.esp


The problem was that your Unofficial Patches were loaded BEFORE the Official DLCs they are supposed to patch, so the game went bananas. If this doesn't solve the crash on startup, I'll be greatly surprised.


Do not mark the checkbox for the Bashed Patch, because it's empty and useless. For now, forget about the Bashed Patch. You don't need it at this moment.




EDIT: I can't find any missing master, all the Unofficial Patches have their corresponding masters in Spyder's list.

EDIT: the rest of the information you provide, about "part of", "unknown", nothing in the right panel, is correct and as should be.

Edited by IkeCoast
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ok, I will use the move up and move down buttons at the bottom to adjust the order. obviously I was wrong in the assumption that obmm automatically adjusted the load order. will I need to do this for any and all mods I add?


about wyre bash. I have not made any jumps. but I did download it and install it after obmm. one of the readme's for the patches said to do so.


updating load order and will report back results.

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Sometimes, yes, you will need to adjust the load order of the new mods you install, but if it's needed, usually the readme of such mods tells you where to put it.


Wrye Bash is lots of more powerful and versatile than OBMM (no, neither OBMM nor Wrye Bash sort your mods to be properly loaded, it's something that BOSS, another utility, does), and for now, leave it alone. If necessity arises, we will go into it, but at this stage of your Oblivioneer career, let's stick with OBMM.




PD: Eventually, somebody will tell you about mod conflicts and the necessity of cleaning mods using TES4Edit. Ignore it. It's advanced modding, let's go one step at a time.

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