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technically challenged asking for advice about mods


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updated the load order and launched the game through obmm and it loaded fine. walked for a few seconds and started getting the quest items and quest popup messages for the dlc stuff. (this save im still in the sewers at the beginning of the game, right after the emperor dies) everything appears to be fine but I didnt play more than 30 seconds. was just a test to see if things would work. im still confused about how load orders work. but hey, the game appears to be working so im a happy camper.

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I knew that would fix the issue! Cool!


About the load order, I'm going to give you a brief summary about this thing:


The game loads all its data first from the Oblivion.esm, Oblivion.esp, Oblivion-Meshes.bsa and Oblivion-textures.bsa. If no mods or plug-ins are present, that's all what the game loads, since those are all the data and resources it needs.


The mods usually just add things that are not present in the base game, and while they do not change the base game data assets, it's irrelevant which order they are loaded. But if the mod changes base game data assets, then things change.


Let's say, you have a mod that changes how the Imperial City looks, making it bigger and more crowded. And you have another mod that just adds a little cute house in Bravil.


If you load first the Imperial City-changing mod and after it the Bravil Little house mod, this second mod will NEGATE the changes made by the first, and the Imperial City will appear in your game as vanilla. Or worse, your game will crash every time you enter Imperial CIty. This is a MOD CONFLICT and all mods usually warn about this in their readmes. ALWAYS READ THE READMES BEFORE INSTALLING.


There are two ways to avoid the mod conflicts: discovering which one must be loaded first, or using the bashed patch, that thells the base game which assets from which mods must apply without taking in account their load order. For now, you have enough with manually adjusting the load order.


Before installing any other mod, first come here and tell us which one is.


Oh, and now you're on it, have you ran Archive Invalidation yet?



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ike, I THOUGHT I ran archive invalidation. but just to make sure...here is what I did. I opened up obmm. clicked utilites, selected archive invalidation. then selected bsa redirection at the top. then clicked update now. is this correct?


also back on post 30, page 3, you listed some suggested mods. will my laptop be able to handle them? in my very first post I listed my computer specs.

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Hey, Spider,


Yes, you did correctly Archive Invalidation. However, since you're on Steam, the I would suggest you to run it again, the same procedure, BSA Redirection, but this time check the Reset BSA Timestamp option in the same window. This way, you ensure that Steam will not meddle with your Archive Invalidation.


About yout computer specs, your processor is a little bit under the recommended requisite (3Ghz), but if the vanilla game runs smooth, no worries. The other requirements are superbly met, as far as I know (I was running my game in an archaic rig which barely could manage the game with medium settings).


The only way to know if your computer can handle the mods I listed is to try them. The more resource-demanding ones are the Graphical Enhancements, like Oblivion Reloaded, Quarl's Texture Pack, and the Better Cities and Unique Landscapes. The higher the graphical quality of a mod, the more demanding.



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ok, redid the archive with the reset time stamp thing. also, I forgot to mention earlier that the game freezes up when I try to exit out. end up having to use task manager to kill it. it never did that before I tried putting the patches in. its not a major deal since I can get it to close down with task manager, but is annoying.

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Yep, the game freezing out when quitting is annoying as hell and a very common occurrence. I had it even before I installed the Patches, so I highly doubt it's really because them.


I usually leave it to shut down by its own, but if I'm really tired I also used Task Manager to kill it.


Oh, and you don't need to re-run Archive Invalidation every time you install a new mod, it's a one-time procedure. Sometimes, re-running Archive Invalidation can help solve issues, but it rarely is needed.



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Good to see Ike's been on the job while I've been off picking daisies (not really, mod beta testing ... about as fun as watching paint dry, but somehow fascinating at the same time ... I do know how to break things).


Spyder, when you're testing make sure to give a good long test as well as those quick, short forays outside the sewers. What may seem to work well when the game only has you and a few mudcrabs to work on may not work so well when it you, 15 NPCs and maybe some quest scripts running along in the background. Read over my "before you exit the sewer" save advice from a couple of days back.


Test thoroughly after installing any mod ... remember, slow is often the faster way to mod your game.

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ok, so I made a save at the end of the sewers, also made a copy of the oblivion folder. exited and fast travelled to emperial city market and ran around a lot. everything seems fine. time to start adding things to pretty up the game. question, how easy or difficult will it be to get rid of a mod if I find my laptop lags up too bad? was going to start with quals texture pack3, unless you guys believe another works better.

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That will depend on the mod. I have no experience with that kind of "pretty up" mods so you'll need to get that answer elsewhere (Ike ... are you up buddy??).


I always examine a mod after I've downloaded and extracted, looking for things like possible file overwrites (same file name and extension in the same folder path as I already have installed). The other thing is how complex is it. Is there an INI file? Does the readme or INI file have good documentation on what the INI options do and how to set them? Does it come with an install script I can examine and garner clues on whatever options are there?


Wrye Bash's installation utility (called BAIN) is probably the best you will find at correctly uninstalling mods that conflict. OBMM can uninstall, but it can't do what BAIN can do.


If you install mod A and then mod B, and mod B overwrites a file that mod A also needed, when you uninstall mod B with OBMM but want to leave mod A it will uninstall the file that mod A needs while uninstalling mod B. Wrye Bash's BAIN keeps track of those file overwrites, and when you uninstall mod B it will put mod A's copy of the overwritten file back.


In my opinion (and it's just that ... an opinion, and you know what they say about opinions) Quarl's would be a perfect candidate for BAIN installation. I'm not suggesting today, I'm just suggesting that from what little I know about it, Quarl's is not just a simple install.

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About Qarl's Texture Pack, I have been reading about it and my god, it's a very demanding package. The Redimizez version looks like more balanced and easy to install.


No matter which version of QTP3 you install, you will need the Compatibility Patch for the UOP. And seems that there are some additional bugfix files to be installed too. Be sure to read carefully the descriptions and the readmes, and the Comments section of the mods before downloading anything.


On a side note, I've discovered something odd: Qarl's last activity at the Nexus site was last 18 January, 2014. Strange, since he passed away June 2013.






Found something related to the installation order of the DLCS, UOPs and QTP3 that could interest you. Click, click.

Edited by IkeCoast
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