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technically challenged asking for advice about mods


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ok, so perhaps i'll pass on qarls mod for now. it sounds complicated enough that it will just lead me to screwing something up again. so for now I will stick to vanilla environment graphics. but for character and npc graphics I will try Roberts male and female along with the oco2 you recommended back on page 3. who wants to bet a cup of coffee im back here in an hour with a broken game once more? :) we can, and will, fully blame ike for convincing me to stick with it.

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Spyder, provided you follow TO THE LETTER the following instructions, nothing bad will arise from you installig Robert Bodies and OCO v2.3


1- Recall if you installed or not OBSE and Blockhead. If not, download and istall them. Remember, the latest versions.

2- Download the necessary packages, that is:


Robert Male Body Replacer v52

Robert Male Outfit Replacer (file in the same above link).

Robert Female Body Replacer v13 (the Outfit Replacer for females is included).

Robert Male Body Texture Compatibilty for OCO v2

Robert Female Body Texture Compatibility for OVO v2

Oblivion Character Overhaul v2.03 core files.


3- Again, make sure you have OBSE and Blockhead installed properly. If not, install them MANUALLY.


4- Install the Robert Bodies. I recommend manual installation. The default Male Body installed is the Average Underwear version. If you want any of the other body types and/or the nude version, you need to manually tune-up the installation using the File Man... er... the Windows Explorer. There is an OMOD version for the Male Body, but I don't trust it. The default installation of the Female Body is the Average Underwear one. If you want the Nude version, same as above. If you want some of the variants of the Robert Female, we will cover it later.




6- Install OCO v203. Manual installation is discouraged because, in case you need to uninstall it, will be a pain in the ass to do it manually. But if you don't understand how to use OBMM or NMM, use manual installation.


7- Install the Robert Bodies Texture Patches, both of them.


8- Open up your Mod Manager, and put the OCO v203 THE LAST in your load order. DISABLE THE ROBERT BODIES ESPS, BOTH OF THEM. Enable just OCO's.


Once all installed, if the Install Blockhead face appears, don't kill me yet. First we will fix this.


Hey, replies. Let's see what happened, my Goodness!



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Spyder, the Readme on Robert Males instructs you to, and I quote literally (actually copypasting, but wathever)


"Copy the data folder into your Oblivion directory. Muscular with pants0 is the default you now have in data\meshes\characters\_male, the directory for the body meshes."


This means: unpack somewhere the downloaded file. Open your (condescending tone) "Windows Explorer" and navigate to your Oblivion main installation folder. You see inside it a "Data" folder.


Now, go to the place where you unpacked the zip file. It has also a "Data" folder. RIght click-COPY it.


Again to your main Oblivion Installation folder. Be sure you can see the "Data" folder it contains. Right-click an empty space there, and PASTE.


A popup will jump out, telling you "This folder already contains a Data foler, if you continue blubber blubber". If this popup doesn't jump to your throat, you're trying to paste the mod in the wrong folder. I stress, it is the Main Oblivion Installation folder, the one that already contains a Data folder. If the warning popup appeared, just click "Yes to All".


The same with the Female Bodies.


I don't know how the OMOD for the males works, but I suspect I'll soon find it.



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Sorry for the doublepost, but I must go to bed right now. I tried to stay here in case Spyder got some questions, but I can stay awake for no longer.


See ya!



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hey ike, i had downloaded a different file, the 4th on the list that says omod beside it. that one came with a much shorter readme. after reading your post i downloaded the one you specified, the very first thing after unpacking the zip file was to read the readme. not sure why the author decided not to include that in the other version. then again, im not sure why i decided to download the omod version..guess something in my brain said i should use the one meant for the manager tool.

and no worries, i wont kill you, if i kill you who will fix my game when i break it?!


hey, thanks for staying up waiting for me. i do appreciate it. sorry i hadn't gotten back to you yet. life got quite busy here for a few hours so was not able to start this process till very late. will update as soon as i finish your step by step instructions.

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ok, got to step 5 with no major hiccups. everything installed. and works. only 2 questions.


first question: the outfit replacers are not noticeably different than vanilla..are they actually supposed to look different? or is it more of a trim job to make them fit better?


second question:while installing the body's and outfit replacers, the data folders merge. i know this is correct, but during the merge i would get pop ups for folders to be replaced. same folder names, just lower case vs the original upper case. i selected replace. then i would get pop ups with files having the same name. 3 options, don't copy, copy and replace, and copy and keep original. i chose to copy and replace thinking that the software wouldn't access the new copy if the old nif files had the same name. was this correct?


edit to add. ok, so i installed oco2 with obmm. almost certain i did it right. when installing the patches however, they don't have a readme. so just did it manually. after all said and done. it appears to be working. went to several different towns/areas for testing. fairly certain it is working right, atleast it appears to be. thank you for your help.

Edited by spyder7723
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Hey, Spyder!


Don't worry, I usually go to bed late, this past night I simply went bed a little bit (just one hour) later than usual.


Your Mission Report is successful, what a relief. Yes, all that you mention in your second post is normal and as things should be.


The Outfit replacers are meant to NOT look different than vanilla ones. I assume you don't know what UV Mapping is, so I'll just tell you that, without the Outfit Replacers, when you install a Body Replacer everything looks fine (no pun intended) when the characters are naked, but when clothed with vanilla items, the exposed parts of the body look weird, the skin texture messed, blotched and ugly. This is because the "body" you see underneath the robes and the arms, chest and cleavage is not the same body as when naked, it's the vanilla one, and the new textures for the skin do not match its UV Mapping.


So, te Outfit Replacers include the correct body meshes with the clothes, and adjust the clothes so the overall shape of the body matches the naked body, more or less. However, the standard Outfit Replacers, as I mentioned before, try to match as close as possible the look of the vanilla outfits. There are other clothes and armor replacers that change the clothes to be more skimpy, sometimes to ridiculous extrems, or less revealing.


Now that you have the Female Replacer by Robert, when looking for cool armors or clothes for your female characters, DO NOT GRAB THE ONES MARKED AS "HEGC", "TFF", "TGND" or anything else, stick to the ones marked as "for Robert Females". It's the same UV Mapping problem. Don't worry, both Striker and I can guide you in order to find appropriate clothes to dress (or undress) your chicks.


And about the warnings about replacing files, folders, the lowecase or uppercase thingies, yes, all this is normal. You can safely ignore all this, like you just did now, the "copy and delete the original" is the right one (but, bear in mind, remember to always keed the downloaded mod files stored somewhere in your hard drive, just in case you need to undo an installation). Next time you install something, when the first warning popup appears, just hit "Yes to all" and the system will not warn you of all the overwritting one by one.


This evening (for me), we will start with OCO.


See you then!



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I have already installed oco. Updated the last post. Figured I better stop spamming double and triple posts before I piss off a forum moderator. As I said I've gone to several different areas for testing, most npcs are radically better looking. The vanilla characters were god awful ugly. Almost painful to view. Very happy to get that done. Will spend some time actually playing the game again now. The last several days were spent just reading and trying to understand this whole modding thing. I'm actually not as stupid as it appears, just extremely ignorant with computers and programming. Have never needed to delve into a computer farther than basic installs.


Maybe later today I will try adding vilma and pack mules.

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