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Gap between writst and glove


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The one i really wanted to use which i am having this problem with is New Vegas Preorder armors for fallout 3 , it does seem only I am having this problem and wondered what it is i have done that is causing this ?:)



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What I am told is that blender screws things up when you import objects for some reason. So more or less you just have to import the hands and dick with it to make sure they line up. You should probably import the head as well to make sure you don't have the issue with the neck. Sometimes even after that I get a bit of a gap. If you look at any of my mods you can see the problem to some degree. So I just add some gloves or something to cover it up, or say 'hey, it's free, if you don't like it, check your mailbox for your refund.' :)
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It's a problem of the vanilla leather armor mesh. The left leather glove is too short. As soon as you unequip the pipboy glove and the pipboy is still equipped, you'll see the gap. You'd need to edit the leather armors "glovel.nif" file to make it longer or sth.
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I made a fix for that glove. I wonder if it would legal to load it up. I just edited the vanilla mesh :/





with gap







But even with the fixed glove, there still is the seam between the arm and the hand.

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People post fixes for vanilla stuff all the time.

Little patience please :)

I refixed it to cover the seam and I made an icon for the glovel it will be uploaded the next two days, I hope. The german mod is almost standing, just need to translate it into English.








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