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Custom Skin Textures Problem


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I've been searching for the solution for a bit now but I can't seem to find it so I thought it would be best to ask.


I've been trying to get a custom skin texture for first HGEC Body, every attempt, even clean installs have brought up the same issue, the skin texture either isn't showing up or is messing up some how.


Example: http://i54.tinypic.com/2upv495.jpg


After that I tried another body and another skin pack and the same issue has come up, without any explination.


Im fairly new to modding but everything else has seemed to work just fine, and i've been able to fixed any issues but this is leaving me scratching my head.


Any help would be amazing!

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Instead of the above, Archiveinvalidation Invalidated, I recommend using BSA Redirection through a mod manager. Both Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) and Wrye Bash have BSA Redirection. Read the documentation to enable the function. They all achieve the same end result though. :thumbsup: You are using a mod manager right?


Anytime you replace Textures or Meshes it's likely you'll have to update BSA Redirection so the mesh or texture is applied in game. This allows all files placed in the meshes or textures folders to supercede the original files in the vanilla BSA archive by altering timestamps. Anyway that's the general idea and it's rather simple actually. Just use the built in feature of BSA Redirection from either of the Mod Utilities mentioned above. Good luck! :cool:

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Instead of the above, Archiveinvalidation Invalidated, I recommend using BSA Redirection through a mod manager. Both Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) and Wrye Bash have BSA Redirection. Read the documentation to enable the function. They all achieve the same end result though. :thumbsup: You are using a mod manager right?

Archive Invalidation Invalidated applies BSA redirection once installed. If you install it, you don't need to use OBMM or Wrye Bash to do BSA redirection again.


Anytime you replace Textures or Meshes it's likely you'll have to update BSA Redirection so the mesh or texture is applied in game.

You don't have to. Once BSA redirection is done, you don't need to worry about doing archive invalidation again.

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