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Can I run All Natural Weather and run something that has darker nights


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wow smooth, i have been looking for a site like that for ages mate, i thought i could come here and help a fellow modblivion starter like me and i got helped instead :S thank you so much for that site mate, that's is just what i was looking for, hopefully it will explain why tamrieltravelersitesnpc.esp has no merge on it and shouldn't be activated but isn't in the mergable sections when i try to build my patch :S well i will surely enjoy reading that website, it looks a lot better than the ones i have been looking at.


once again, thank you so much dude. is there a way to give you credit? like kudos or something? i wanna show my appreciation :P

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can't help you there dude, that's the part i haven't got down my self :S i can find lots of wrye bash sites online but they usually don't have a proper faq, they are usually aimed at people who actually know what they are doing but just need some tips.


from what i have learned though, bash patch is like a big massive patch for oblivion but with the mods you want, so on the bash patch section, what ever you tick, will be loaded as a patch. so i guess it helps you when you reach the 255esp limit. importing i am still not 100% sure about but it kind of sounds like you just import parts of the mod, like import graphics, you would only be importing the graphics of a mod, import npc, you would only be importing the npc's of that mod if you marked it.


but i could be wrong mate, as i said, I'm kinda new to this, have been trying to run a stable modded oblivion for well over a week and failing, its really difficult to get it right and there are always problems when getting lots of mods together, are you using fcom by any chance?


I am not using fcom. I dont think I have any mods or anything that needs it yet.

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