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My mod request to make skyrim epic within reason


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This simple mods I think could make skyrim feel more epic


More Enemies attack you at once. Basically a mod that adds bigger mobs. You raid a bandit camp and instead of like 4-5 bandits it is like 25-30 bandits attacking you all at once.


More Area Effect spells. Like the animation could have fireballs shooting in 4 direction north west east south.


Blood on screen


Bigger Bosses. Meaning bosses are bigger in size. or more what I would like Huge Dragons, Giant bosses, enormous elemental


World Bosses. Meaning bosses that wander the open world of skyrim


Epic combat music Electric Guitars, Huge Dramatic Orchestra with Operatic music.


Martial Art style sword fighting animations. Like jump stab. Spin slice. spin sword cut.


kill streak quotes. Basically it doesn't need give you buffs but part of what I find addicting in Diablo III is the little quotes at the bottom while killing things. Like thishttp://blog.playclaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/massacre_diablo3.png

At the end of every fight a quote at the bottom or top of your screen that says how many monsters you have killed.


Hotkey spells 1=fireball 2=FUS RO DUH!!!!!!! 3= Frostball etc...



Melee combat spells like a Spin Attack

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More Enemies attack you at once. Basically a mod that adds bigger mobs. You raid a bandit camp and instead of like 4-5 bandits it is like 25-30 bandits attacking you all at once.

in Skyrim this is a terrible idea and would make fights annoying, a better number would be 10-16.



More Area Effect spells. Like the animation could have fireballs shooting in 4 direction north west east south.

i have a an idea of a shotgun style fireball spell where 4-6 fireballs fire in front of you in generally random directions. just an idea i would like to see that i thought of when reading this.



Blood on screen

why? seriously i never understood this concept, blood doesnt show up on your face in fights when you get hurt nor are sword fights gonna get blood in your eyes and allow you to see.



Bigger Bosses. Meaning bosses are bigger in size. or more what I would like Huge Dragons, Giant bosses, enormous elemental


World Bosses. Meaning bosses that wander the open world of skyrim

this would be kinda cool, but has been done. now something to add would be making bandit chieftains and some dungeon bosses be made bigger so they stand out more and dont look like the everyday bandit.



Epic combat music Electric Guitars, Huge Dramatic Orchestra with Operatic music.

you realize this has to be made from scratch right? we cant use most music on the internet due to copy right.



Martial Art style sword fighting animations. Like jump stab. Spin slice. spin sword cut.



Melee combat spells like a Spin Attack

No. this cannot be made, aside from the clumsy (not always bad though) mods already out there nothing can be done to change the current animation with out spending lots of money. that's not even including the issues with the games engine. sorry friend.



kill streak quotes. Basically it doesn't need give you buffs but part of what I find addicting in Diablo III is the little quotes at the bottom while killing things.


At the end of every fight a quote at the bottom or top of your screen that says how many monsters you have killed.

you like Diablo III? huh... not going to judge, everybody can have their own opinions of games and that is fine if you find it fun then great. me i prefer Diablo II myself. anyways not a very easy thing to add, you would have to create the program yourself from scratch and put a lot of work in for very little.



Hotkey spells 1=fireball 2=FUS RO DUH!!!!!!! 3= Frostball etc...

plenty of hotkey mods out there already

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