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Texturing help....please?


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Well, I've been looking on youtube ALL day and havent found even one single tutorial on how to make custom textures, if you dont know what i mean i just mean, taking any image from the internet (e.g a jpg image) and make it a texture in oblivion, please tell me if i can do it, if i can do it, please tell me how :thumbsup:
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Well, I've been looking on youtube ALL day and havent found even one single tutorial on how to make custom textures, if you dont know what i mean i just mean, taking any image from the internet (e.g a jpg image) and make it a texture in oblivion, please tell me if i can do it, if i can do it, please tell me how :thumbsup:


I don't really consider YouTube to be the "land of tutorials." You'd be better off reading the construction set wiki.


Some suggestions:





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Urrm, i dont mean to be rude, but you didnt read what i said, i asked whether its possible to make textures from any old image :P


Honestly I wasn't sure what you wanted. The way you worded it didn't make a lot of sense, especially talking about tutorials on YouTube.


The answer to "any old image" is it depends. If you can find an image that is high enough quality and you can use Photoshop or Gimp to make it work with a UV map, then yes. I would recommend some stock image sites like Morguefile.com or Imageafter.com for some higher resolution images.

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