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daedra hearts


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If you have the TES Construction Set it's very simple to do. Follow these step by step instructions and I'll walk you through making a simple mod yourself in no time flat! If you don't have TES CS, I suggest you download it. Just go to www.elderscrolls.com and click the utilities tab at the left hand side. Click the first link that says "Installer" and follow the installation instructions. When it's done follow these steps.


  1. Load up TES Construction Set in the Oblivion folder of your program files and wait for it to finish booting up.
  2. Open Oblivion.esm
  3. When it's finished loading up look below the render window (The big screen that shows the world view. Starts out a big grey box when the program is started) and you'll see a rectangular box with two columns in it. The column on the left lists all the cells in the world space.
  4. Click on the down arrow on the combo box at the top of the list and find "ICMarketDistrict" and select it. This is the world space selector.
  5. Next, look at the list below the combo box and double click on "ICMarketDistrict01". This will bring up the center of the market district.
  6. Ok now we're going to make the chest with the hearts. Look to the far left and you'll see a column with a list in it. Each of the names will have a plus next to them. Click on the plus next to the word "Items".
  7. Then "Container"
  8. Then "Clutter"
  9. Then "Lowerclass"
  10. The we are going to use "ChestClutterLower01Empty" so right click on it an click "Edit"
  11. IMPORTANT!!! A window will pop up and you're going to want to change the ID to something unique. I typed "aaaHeartChest". DO NOT FORGET TO CHANGE THE ID!
  12. Then type "Heart Chest" in the name section below the ID
  13. Now we're going to add the heart so go back over to the list at the far left and click the plus next to "Items".
  14. Then "Ingredient"
  15. Then "Clutter"
  16. DaedraHeart should be the first item starting with the letter D. Drag and drop it into the white box in the container menu.
  17. Next on the left side of the white box there is a column called "Count". This is how many of that item is in the container's inventory. Click it and change the number to however many hearts you want. I just used 100.
  18. Next click ok. It'll ask you if you want to create a new form. Click yes otherwise it'll just change the container not create a new one.
  19. Go back to the section on the list at the left side where you found the original container (World Objects>Container>Clutter>LowerClass)
  20. You should see it at the top unless your ID doesn't start with "A", then you'll have to scroll down to find it.
  21. Click and drag your container into the render window. preferably in the street or whatever of the market district.
  22. Now when you first put it in it'll be floating in the air so hit the "F" key on your keyboard and it'll drop to the ground.
  23. Now save it and name it whatever you want. I'd call it DaedraHeartChest or something of the like.


Congradulations! You created your own mod! :D

Load up oblivion and click the data files button and find your mod in the list.

Check it off and play! You'll find it in the market district right where you put it with all your hearts!


If you're confused or have questions just reply back or send me a message! ;)

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