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Squirrel request.


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I would love to see some Squirrels in the game of the reddish variety . I allready have a mod that adds various other species like Racoons for ex.

But it would be very nice to see Squirrels climbing the trees, running on the ground between the trees and hear them chatter. This is actually the only lore friendly animal I miss in Skyrim. And it will work for the snowy areas too.


So please if any modder feels like making such a mod? I would be very greatful.




Edited by goranpaa
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Wish I had the time to do such modeling, rigging, animating, texturing...


However all I am able to do with the time given is modding and modifying what is already in Skyrim. For anyone that does create it, I'd give it the same AI as the fox.

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