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Game freezes when I initiate combat.


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I'll get into combat, and throw the first blow. But the game freezes right at the moment I click to attack.

It doesn't happen constantly, but it will happen out of the blue with no real apparent pattern. This all started after I installed OOO, Adrenaline Fueled Combat, and Deadly Reflex.


I have OOO and Deadly Reflex loading at the very bottom, with Adrenaline Fueld Combat somewhere in the middle.


what do

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Does this also happen when you are first spotted by a creature or only if you start the combat yourself? (for example if you play a stealthy character) In the second case, It could be that the game freezes because of entering the combat mode rather than attacking, And that is a problem that might have to do something with the sound drivers. My game became extremely laggy when entering the combat mode, and I couldn't hearthe combat music. After I disabled the music in oblivion.ini everything worked fine again.
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start by installing BOSS (found on tesnexus)


and running it


then pay particular attention to what it tells you.


I'll be sure to do that. Thanks.


Does this also happen when you are first spotted by a creature or only if you start the combat yourself? (for example if you play a stealthy character) In the second case, It could be that the game freezes because of entering the combat mode rather than attacking, And that is a problem that might have to do something with the sound drivers. My game became extremely laggy when entering the combat mode, and I couldn't hearthe combat music. After I disabled the music in oblivion.ini everything worked fine again.


No, I don't think that's it. The game will go into combat mode, but it freezes AS SOON as I click to attack, or release the click for the bow.

Now that I think about it, I think it might be conflict between Adrenaline Fueled Combat and Deadly Reflex.

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I had this same issue happen a while back, exactly as you are describing it. My game would freeze when I clicked attack or when I would put away a weapon, or even denock an arrow. I use AFC and Deadly Reflex, similar to you, and I also have some Duke Patrick mods, notably Combat Archery. So I started deactivating mods one by one that seemed related to the problem and after deactivating about 6 or 8 mods the problem stopped so I made a clean save. I started adding mods back one by one to see if I could recreate the crash. In the end I got all the mods I was previously using reactivated and working 100%. I think it was just a hic-up somewhere with a combat mod, most likely Deadly Reflex. Periodically I'll have to reset Deadly Reflex with the in-game item after some minor issues. If that doesn't work I just deactivate, remove, and completely reinstall Deadly Reflex from a clean save. These minor errors can happen anywhere between 10 to 50+ hours of gameplay so it's only a minor inconvenience.


So by my experience I suggest simply resetting Deadly Reflex with the in-game item first. If that doesn't work completely remove and reinstall Deadly Reflex making sure to clean save after you uninstall. That should fix it. Good luck.

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