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Only humans mod


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There are many quests that would need complete overhauls if this were done or they would be broken, if you want to play a fantasy game like oblivion without non-human like races, you should look up the mod Nehrim.
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Its possible but it would make it a bit boring.

All races have their own culture tradition backgrounds to make them interesting.

Of course its probably possible to make them all human but why do you exactly need it?

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are you a racist or something? :O

who wants boring races that you can see in real life anyways. Nuh uh, Khajiits, Orcs, Argonians and Elves are awesome.


and I wouldnt exactly call them "not required" the Gladiator Grand Master is an Orc for example. And Im sure that I could list tons and tons of non-human important NPC's.

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I suppose this could be done, but it would be a major undertaking to rework all the named NPCs. Their spoken dialog would, of course, not fit their races any more, either. Some quests, like one of the DB-related quests where you have to acquire an Argonian heart for one of the DB residents would be broken. Others, like the Daedric shrine quest related to the village Borderwatch, would no longer make any sense. Another problem would be the fact that race is quite often a factor in an NPC's perception of (and, therefore disposition toward) the PC, so the AI would have to be changed to accommodate this, as well, and there is actually quite of bit of stock and specific dialog which is race-related in the game and which refers to Argonians and Kajitti, as well as elves. There's even an issue with a certain Countess having a serious prejudice against Argonians, Khajiiti, and Dunmar which is a topic of general conversation. Good luck getting someone to do this for you, but don't hold your breath on it. It would be a very big job with a very tiny target audience (perhaps just you), and I doubt many modders would be willing to do it on that basis, alone.
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Why does it have too hard, couldnt you just replace the mesh fro each one with the human onces. no quest changing, might sound a little weird but do we not have superstitions on other races like asians are born with tails and can fly or stupid stuff like that. (no im not racist too asian just a general statement of something i heard.)


All im saying, replace the mesh from the non human with the human styles. That dosnt change any ingame menu, just visual display.

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I cannot imagine why anyone would go through the trouble, just to remove something that's such an essential part of the TES world and integrated that deeply.


Like Ferryt said above, you'll probably have to do it yourself as I doubt anyone else is looking for this feature.

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This idea is not really hard to perform, it just takes a lot of time, so I suppose you gotta do it yourself. go through all the non-human races in your CS and change their races. Good luck!





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Why does it have too hard, couldnt you just replace the mesh fro each one with the human onces. no quest changing, ...


As Beerto pointed out, that much would be simple, although rather time-consuming, and you don't even need to bother with mesh replacement, since race (and even gender) can be easily toggled in the CS. The problem is that people are still going to be talking about Khajiiti, Argonians, Orcs, and the various mer races, and changing the races without changing some quest-related material is still going to break those quests. To prevent that you would have to go through essentially every single quest and figure out if race is an essential element at some point and then alter the quest. Dialog will also have to be altered. Indeed, there may be scripts which will be broken by doing this, including scripts introduced by mods which the race-changing mod will be unable to address.


If all you want is for everyone to look human, then, sure. Go for it, but you're going to break parts of the game in doing so and not all those parts are going to be obvious until you stumble upon them during game play.

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