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Effects problem


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Item effects.


Let's say I created a new item, equipped it ingame, and unequipped it, only to find out the effect was not gone.


And removing the item completely from the inventory won't work either.


I deactivated the mod. Effects still there.


I found out the IDs of the effects and used ''remove.item'' console code, but since they're not items, it didn't work either.


What do I do? I don't want to be invisible whenever I crouch down. :(

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Nope. I added the Stealth Armor effect. I'm sure about that. It even says so in the Pip-Boy effects menu.
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Umm....weird. So, try making a new plugin in the geck that deletes this effect. Load your game with it, and hope it doesn't crash. If it doesn't, just save and exit. Once you disable the plugin, it should be gone.

Or, you could equip and un-equip the stealth armor.

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I created a new .esp that deletes the effects. Activated it. Started the game. Effects still there.


Equipping-requipping doesn't work. Deactivating the mod doesn't work either.

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