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DesuChan's Dolls vs Cobl Races


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I cannot get the two race mods to work at the same time. It's either one or the other. In the load order, if I have dolls below cobl, dolls works, and vice versa for cobl. I would assume multiple race mods can run at the same time, and the dolls page says it has no compatibility issues.


Any suggestions?

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I'm kind of lost. What's not working, exactly? If one is working but not the other, that means you're obviously not experiencing a crashing issue. Is it just the eyes or something?


Quoted from the COBL Race thread:


Eye Mesh Conflicts

The major problem with that plan is the potential for eye mesh conflicts. However, this can be resolved through patches. In the same way vanilla eye texures/meshes are replaced, so vanilla+cobl eye meshes/textures can be replaced. As I understand it, all of the eyes that Cobl is using already have converted textures available -- so all that is needed is to package those with a patch mod. Of course, a bit of racial record merging is still needed -- but that's what bash is for. (Though there would still be some options for the determined non-bash user.)


I think Dolls uses the Nequam style, ie eyes place diagonally on the texture map. The eye meshes would reflect that. You may have to do some fierce eyeball transplanting.


If I'm right in thinking it's an eye issue, bring it up to Desu via PM. Bashed patch may be the answer, but I'm not too good in the bashing field.


the dolls page says it has no compatibility issues.

There's never any compatibility issue until someone finds one. ;)

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I'm certain Cobl Races has been "abandoned" in lieu of better foreign merged race compilation mods, like Beautiful People and its bigger descendants (2ch-Ed and MBP++) - Race relations have been messed up on them though, I think. These mods have a lot more hairs, eyes, and races to use than Cobl Races, some of which pop up frequently, as far as I know.
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[update: It has nothing to do with those two mods; I can only have one new race mod active at a time. Whichever one is first in the load order is the only one that appears on the race select screen.


I was running Oblivion on my mac w/ a cider port, so I was adding mods (very) manually. I could only get one race mod to work at a time, but I broke down and installed Bootcamp and now I'm playing Oblivion in its native OS (legally fyi, to avoid possible criticism. I don't know if users get banned for talking about cider ports here). This time things are workig better.

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