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VATS Kick-in


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GREETINGS all you awesome modders, I have got yet another "Can it be done?" for you.


I do not use VATS for one main thing: It takes away from my real-time action, which is hella fun. I'd rather play the game live, than watch it. But it does look pretty cool to watch yourself through different views and in slo-mo.


I really don't know if this is possible, but it might be cool if gameplay went into VATS mode only under certain conditions. That's about where my idea goes blank, but I am trying to think of ways to make VATS fun, so that it doesn't get in the way of action gameplay too much.


Just brainstorming:


1. VATS does not cost action points, but you can't use it at will like Vanilla Fallout 3.


2. When you perform a critical hit, VATS kicks in and shows that one hit from another angle, then goes back to normal gameplay. Since this is only one shot and won't last long, maybe slow down the vats speed more. I don't know how this can be done since the game might have to basically perform the critical hit twice.


This one might be easier to do:


1. VATS is normal as it always is, pausing game, selecting targets, using action points, etc.


2. When you are down to a very low amount of health, a moderate amount of Action Points is added to the player, VATS automatically pauses the game, and targets the nearest NPC (just like if you pressed the vats button in Vanilla).


This can be like an Emergency Adrenaline Mode or something. Your body's last chance for survival. The situation becomes so serious to you, that time seems to slow down, or even stop. And you have to pull off these last attacks or it's all over!


That's all I got for now.

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GREETINGS all you awesome modders, I have got yet another "Can it be done?" for you.


I do not use VATS for one main thing: It takes away from my real-time action, which is hella fun. I'd rather play the game live, than watch it. But it does look pretty cool to watch yourself through different views and in slo-mo.


I really don't know if this is possible, but it might be cool if gameplay went into VATS mode only under certain conditions. That's about where my idea goes blank, but I am trying to think of ways to make VATS fun, so that it doesn't get in the way of action gameplay too much.


Just brainstorming:


1. VATS does not cost action points, but you can't use it at will like Vanilla Fallout 3.


2. When you perform a critical hit, VATS kicks in and shows that one hit from another angle, then goes back to normal gameplay. Since this is only one shot and won't last long, maybe slow down the vats speed more. I don't know how this can be done since the game might have to basically perform the critical hit twice.


This one might be easier to do:


1. VATS is normal as it always is, pausing game, selecting targets, using action points, etc.


2. When you are down to a very low amount of health, a moderate amount of Action Points is added to the player, VATS automatically pauses the game, and targets the nearest NPC (just like if you pressed the vats button in Vanilla).


This can be like an Emergency Adrenaline Mode or something. Your body's last chance for survival. The situation becomes so serious to you, that time seems to slow down, or even stop. And you have to pull off these last attacks or it's all over!


That's all I got for now.














are any of these wht you're looking for?

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Thank you but no.


With all of those, you still have to press the button to use it. Unless it's turn-based, and that's not what I'm looking for either.


I'm talking about one that gets activated automatically under certain conditions. Like I'll be in a fight, shooting and shooting, and then all of a sudden, I am following my last bullet in slow motion as it travels right into the creature's head (VATS automatic on critical hit). Bam slow motion death, and then back to real time in first person. Awesome.


Or I'm being overwhelmed by enemies, my health keeps getting lower and lower. Soon I know I'm gonna die, and then everything stops (VATS automatic at low health). I have a chance to stop and think, hit this guy in the head because he's close enough, and that one once in the arm to make him drop his gun, then run away.

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If a script can check for a critical hit and activate VATS, then you can get VATS activating after the critical hit.


I do not think it would be possible to do a slow-mo VATS-style replay of the hit that triggered it however.

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If a script can check for a critical hit and activate VATS, then you can get VATS activating after the critical hit.


Wow, that is an awesome idea! I didn't even think of just making it activated, I'd be really happy with that option too. Now that I think about it more, that'd be perfect. Can you do this? If so, I'd seriously love to see it. I'd just like to have a little VATS option every now and then, to spice up that perfect shot you pulled off!

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Unfortunately, no. I don't know enough about Fallout scripting to actually do it. If a function to detect a critical hit (which I bet does, it seems a natural thing to include) and one to activate VATS (eh, maybe) both exist, someone who actually does know the scripting language can do it.


I think you missed the second part of my post though, I don't think there's any way you could have essentially an instant-replay of the hit VATS-style. It'd be a "Critical Hit vs Super Mutant" *VATS suddenly pops up, pausing the action and waiting for you to click things* kind of deal, just as if you'd hit V right when you saw the Critical Hit message.

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Ya I had caught that second part, and I hadn't even thought of doing it that way. I really like that option too. If it only pauses for VATS on crits then it's not doing it all the time and not by me. Also, having it be done on crits, to me, would be like a reward :)


Thanks for your input! Hope someone could do this one.

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