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Convert npc in a follower


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then you need to change her in CK


-1 currentfollowerfaction

0 potentialfollowerfaction


(but check those in one of the tutorials)


you probably still have to have her disposition toward the player high enough to follow you

Edited by xauss
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Camilla uses the Femaleyoungeager voice, so the voicetype shouldn't be a problem. All you should have to do is add her to the potentialfollowerfaction and the currentfollowerfaction in the CK. Set the value for currentfollowerfaction to -1.


You may also have to set up a Relationship with the player, under the Relationship tab.

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You may also have to set up a Relationship with the player, under the Relationship tab.

try that on the next tab (relationship)

parent - camilla

child - player

relationship - ally


i d/k about having

-1 potentialfollowerfaction


it suggests that there are conditions to be met to be a potential follower (if u know what i mean).. try setting it to 0?... unless you want to make the love triangle quest, or return the golden claw as pre-requisites.


(btw - i'm giving it a guess here, you should really read the tutorials and do whatever they say do)

Edited by xauss
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You may also have to set up a Relationship with the player, under the Relationship tab.

try that on the next tab (relationship)

parent - camilla

child - player

relationship - ally


i d/k about having

-1 potentialfollowerfaction


it suggests that there are conditions to be met to be a potential follower (if u know what i mean).. try setting it to 0?... unless you want to make the love triangle quest, or return the golden claw as pre-requisites.


(btw - i'm giving it a guess here, you should really read the tutorials and do whatever they say do)


My bad, I meant to put that with currentfollowerfaction. Sorry!

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Ok guys after tutorials and your tips, the dialog not appeared yet, the issue not can be in other part of the game? this mod:


That transform Camilla in a follower but when i installed the mod the dialog not appears, so in my point the conf of npc is correct and the error is in other part of the game but what part?

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looks like he had the same trouble.

with his you have to target her in the console and run the bat file to get her to work. (you might ask him if you could use his bat file for yours)


also - though i dont use it - Babes of Skyrim - has the most beautiful camilla replacer



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I guess that has 2 different solutions:


1) Create a Camilla Valerius look-a-like and change by the original using script when start the main quest of mod(cited by AniKma).


2) Create a independent follower system like Selene Kate and Sofia.


What is the best option?

Edited by btripoloni
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