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Tail Armour for Beast Races


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Just what derok said.


It is possible to make them, one mod already has sort-of tail armor. (Argonian mercenary armor?)



So yes, fully doable.


Maybe a bit simplier approach would be to make it separate piece of armor, so you don't have to tinker with every armor to link it to tail mesh containing the armor (And most likely breaking many mods at the same time)

Yeah. It would have to be ~34 models altogether (if you included all armour types) which would be 17 in-game items.

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Boombro, on 10 Jan 2015 - 1:32 PM, said:http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_images/underground/snapback.png

There's a hands slot

Which is occupied by the hands

Gloves still exist, you just have to make sure in the model that the hand is still there.

Same with tails, just make sure that the tail is still there with the armour. It'd take about 24some models (2 for each material and 1 for each beast race)

that's my point, thank you for noticing. anyways hope you guys figure the thing out. shouldnt be any harder than making a piece of armor.

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