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How to learn papyrus?


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It is true, thinking it through and making sure your idea can be done is half the battle. I just asked matth few days ago if something was possible in the middle of writing the quest wherein I wanted to do said thing. He responded pretty fast with a actual tutorial he had written and it allowed me to finish writing the quest just secure in the knowledge that if it can be done, it can be done :)


Trial and error and tons of headaches will soon get you to a spot where you can test your s#*! in game watch it horribly f*#@ up and facepalm as you instantly realize what you did wrong. At first you will spend hours trying to figure out what simple ass mistake you screwed up. I know I did. Now I can throw entire quests together with minimal bugs out of habit and when they do horribly screw up, I tend to know whats wrong right away. That is NOT a magic superpower or something that can be really easily taught, that is hundreds and hundreds of times where I hit brick walls and literally clawed through them with the bloody stubs of my fingers cause bone made a better tool to scratch the bricks with.


Not saying that to scare you more to motivate you, if it scares you then stop modding, if it gives you hope that your frustrations are not just you alone and that you can get through it, continue on.

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