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Nice, huh? At 9 I remembered to do this at 10/10/10 10:10, but at 10:10 I forgot.


Anyways, discuss, cool huh? Only happens once every 100 years.

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When I was inputting the date on the computer at work, it made me wonder if it meant anything in binary! lol
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That isn't very new for this version of a number 42 interpretation refers back to the old Kabbalist prayer of Ana Becho'ach that invokes the 42-Letter Name of the Jewish God YHWH during creation.
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That isn't very new for this version of a number 42 interpretation refers back to the old Kabbalist prayer of Ana Becho'ach that invokes the 42-Letter Name of YHWH during creation.

I'd comment on that, but being single and Male, I'm not allowed... Darn discriminatory mystic sects. <insert joke about a solo practitioner or Tantrism>.


Anyway, yeah, don't think anything significant happened yesterday.

Edited by Vagrant0
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No strange coincidence at all. It's just the way binary works. 42 is a conversion from the binary number 101010 into the decimal format you are most familiar with.


101010 (binary) is the same number as 42 (decimal) and 2A in Hexadecimal and 05400 in Octal - all just different ways of saying the same thing.

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