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Oblivion Constantly Crashing While Playing


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Hello, back again with another problem. My Oblivion Is constantly crashing whilst playing, It occurs when traveling in the outside world, for example, I tried traveling to Chorrol from the Imperial City and I didn't make it far, happened when I've tried traveling from Chorrol to Kvatch also, I've also encountered another problem when I do crash, and try to reload that last save, the game crashes upon reloading. EDIT: By traveling I mean by foot/horse not fast travel.


I have the The Elder Scrolls lV: Oblivion Game of the Year Edition Deluxe from Steam, It's installed in C/Games/Oblivion.


I have OBSE, Stutter Removal, 4gb Enabler, Streamline and Oblivion Reloaded. I'm getting no lag, just these random crashes, and I'm not sure what's causing them, Tes4Edit doesn't find any errors, neither does BOSS.



GPU:Nvidia Geforce GTX 560 Ti (Palit version, 448 cores, 1280mb GDDR5)

CPU:Intel Core i7 3770k 3.50ghz


OS:Windows 7 64bit Professional


Load Order:
EDIT: Updated Load Order 15/01/2015
Active Mod Files:
00 Oblivion.esm
01 All Natural Base.esm [Version 1.34]
02 Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm [Version 1.35Beta]
03 Mart's Monster Mod.esm [Version 3.8b1]
04 Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esm [Version 0.9.9MB8b1]
05 Armamentarium.esm [Version 1.35]
06 Artifacts.esm [Version 1.1]
07 Better Cities Resources.esm [Version 5.5.3]
08 Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp [Version 3.5.1]
++ UOPS Additional Changes.esp
09 UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp [Version 1.0.0]
0A Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp
0B DLCShiveringIsles.esp
0C Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp [Version 1.5.5]
++ USIPS Additional Changes.esp
0D Better Cities .esp
0E All Natural.esp [Version 1.35]
0F All Natural - SI.esp [Version 1.35]
10 Immersive Interiors.esp [Version 0.8.1]
++ Symphony of Violence.esp
11 Atmospheric Oblivion.esp
12 Sounds of Cyrodiil.esp [Version 1.1]
13 Storms & Sound.esp
14 All Natural - Real Lights.esp [Version 1.35]
15 WindowLightingSystem.esp
16 Populated Prisons.esp [Version 1.2]
17 Streamline 3.1.esp
18 DLCHorseArmor.esp
19 DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.8]
1A DLCOrrery.esp
1B DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.5]
1C DLCVileLair.esp
1D DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.10]
1E DLCMehrunesRazor.esp
1F DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.6]
20 Sounds of Cyrodiil - Mehrune's Razor Add-On.esp [Version 1.0]
21 DLCSpellTomes.esp
++ DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.1]
22 Immersive Weapons.esp
23 DLCThievesDen.esp
24 DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.12]
25 DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp [Version 1.0.12]
26 Sounds of Cyrodiil - Thieves' Den Add-On.esp [Version 1.0]
27 Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp [Version 1.35Beta]
++ Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul - No Daedric Items.esp
28 ArmamentariumArtifacts.esp [Version 1.35]
++ ArmamentariumLLArmaVendor.esp [Version 1.35]
29 Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esp [Version 0.9.9MB8b1]
++ Mart's Monster Mod - Shivering Isles.esp [Version 3.8b1]
2A Mart's Monster Mod - Additional Enemy NPC Vars.esp [Version 3.8b1]
++ Mart's Monster Mod - Looting NPCs & Creatures.esp [Version 3.8b1]
++ Mart's Monster Mod - No Bone Loot.esp [Version 3.8b1]
2B Mart's Monster Mod - Dungeons of MMM.esp [Version 3.8b1]
2C Mart's Monster Mod - More Wilderness Life.esp [Version 3.8b1]
++ Mart's Monster Mod - More Passive Wildlife.esp [Version 3.8b1]
++ Mart's Monster Mod - Friendlier Factions OOO.esp [Version 3.7b7]
2D Mart's Monster Mod - Farm Animals.esp [Version 3.8b1]
2E Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse WaterLife.esp [Version 3.8b1]
++ ArmamentariumLL4OOO.esp [Version 2.01]
++ ArmamentariumLLMagicOOO.esp [Version 1.35]
2F Weapon Expansion Pack for Oblivion Nthusiasts.esp [Version 1.03]
30 Ivellon.esp [Version 1.8]
31 Ancient Ruins - Ayleid Edition.esp
32 Artifacts.esp [Version 1.1]
++ Artifacts - ArmaCompleteAddon.esp [Version 1.0]
33 Fighters Guild Quests.esp
34 Mages Guild Quests.esp
35 Tavern-Goers 2.esp
36 DLCBattlehornCastle.esp
37 DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.9]
38 DLCFrostcrag.esp
39 DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.9]
3A Knights.esp
3B Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.1.5]
++ Mart's Monster Mod for OOO - Knights .esp [Version 0.9.9MB8b1]
3C Sounds of Cyrodiil - KOTN Add-on.esp [Version 1.0]
++ Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul - Knights of Nine.esp
3D The Lost Spires.esp
3E ElsweyrAnequina.esp
3F xuldarkforest.esp [Version 1.0.5]
40 LostSpires-DarkForest patch.esp
41 xulStendarrValley.esp [Version 1.2.2]
42 xulTheHeath.esp
43 xulEntiusGorge.esp [Version 1.2.1]
44 xulFallenleafEverglade.esp [Version 1.3.1]
45 LostSpires-Everglade patch.esp
46 Anequina-Fallenleaf-Patch.esp
47 xulColovianHighlands_EV.esp [Version 1.2.2]
48 xulChorrolHinterland.esp [Version 1.2.3]
49 xulBeachesOfCyrodiilLostCoast.esp [Version 1.6.5]
4A xulBravilBarrowfields.esp [Version 1.3.5]
4B xulLushWoodlands.esp [Version 1.3.3]
4C xulAncientYews.esp [Version 1.4.4]
4D xulAncientRedwoods.esp [Version 1.6]
4E xulCloudtopMountains.esp [Version 1.0.3]
4F xulArriusCreek.esp [Version 1.1.4]
50 xulPatch_AY_AC.esp [Version 1.1]
51 xulRollingHills_EV.esp [Version 1.3.3]
52 xulPantherRiver.esp
53 xulRiverEthe.esp [Version 1.0.2]
54 xulBrenaRiverRavine.esp [Version 1.1.1]
55 xulImperialIsle.esp [Version 1.6.8]
56 xulBlackwoodForest.esp [Version 1.1.1]
57 xulCheydinhalFalls.esp [Version 1.0.1]
58 DungeonsOfIvellon-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp
59 xulAspenWood.esp [Version 1.0.3]
5A xulSkingradOutskirts.esp [Version 1.0.2]
5B xulSnowdale.esp [Version 1.0.5]
5C OOO-Snowdale patch.esp [Version 1.1]
5D Snowdale - Fighters Guild Quests Patch.esp
5E xulCliffsOfAnvil.esp [Version 1.1.3]
5F OOO-CliffsOfAnvil patch.esp [Version 1.2]
60 MMMDungeons-CliffsOfAnvil patch.esp [Version 1.0]
61 xulSilverfishRiverValley.esp [Version 1.0.4]
62 xulJerallGlacier.esp [Version 1.0.2]
63 OOO-JerallGlacier patch.esp [Version 1.0]
64 xulTheEasternPeaks.esp [Version 1.1.4]
65 bartholm.esp
++ Improved Fires and Flames - Increased Sound.esp
66 Enhanced Vegetation [110%].esp
67 Storms & Sound - Bartholm.esp
68 Storms & Sound - Better Cities.esp
69 Oblivion XP.esp
** Let There Be Darkness - Cyrodiil.esp
** Let There Be Darkness - Cyrodiil + SI.esp
** Let There Be Darkness - Knights.esp
** Let There Be Darkness - Mehrunes Razor.esp
6A Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp [Version 2.0]
6B Better Cities Full.esp [Version 5.5.3]
6C Better Imperial City.esp [Version 5.5.3]
** All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp [Version 1.35]
6D LandMagicPatch.esp
6E OblivionReloaded.esp
6F Bashed Patch, 0.esp
70 Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul.esp [Version 4.3.1]
71 Merged Patch 14.esp
Edited by Iameggman
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Give the "coc center & wait 72 hours" trick a try.


Open the console using the tilde (~) key. At the console prompt type "coc center" (without the quote marks) and then hit Enter. You'll be transported to an open plain with some trees in the distance. Using the game wait menu wait 72 hours (that's three full days) plus a bit for good measure. Open the console again and type "coc weye" (again, no quote marks) and hit Enter. You'll be transported to inside the fisherman's shack at Weye. You can use a different location to get back if you know the correct location code for that location.


Once out of the fisherman's shack go back about your business and see if it helps.

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I just tried the trick, I loaded my game. Went to coc center and waited for 72 hours, I then entered coc weye, and took the scales quest, and whilst I was gathering the scales, I think i've played about 10 minutes. The loading area text appeared and my game crashed.


Is this "coc center & wait 72 hours" trick something you'd have to do every time you load your game?


Is there anything else I can do because it's really starting to annoy me, I've only just finished modding and being amazed that I've got them all to work, and now the game just keeps crashing. Though I'm not sure if it's to do with any mods It could just be the game.

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Sorry, Internet lagged and made me double post, not sure how you delete posts.

Edited by Iameggman
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No it's not something you do every time you load the game.


When the trick works it does so by taking your character completely out of the normal game world and by waiting you allow all running scripts to sort themselves out before your character returns. It won't fix all problems but is simple to do and makes a good first try at solving those type of issues.


Your problem doesn't sound to me like it happens at a particular location all the time (supported by the fact that coc center didn't solve it). I have a few questions for you.


Do you quicksave or do you use the save off the Esc menu or save from the console? If you use either save from the Esc menu or console save, do you overwrite your saves or always save in a new slot? Does this particular save line have a lot of hours on it (say around 300 or more)?


- Edit - It's a site issue of some sort ... I'm getting it too. Nope no way to delete posts (admins can but don't generally appreciate requests to do so as far as I know). What you've done about it is as good as it usually gets.

Edited by Striker879
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I have Save on wait, sleep and travel all turned off. I save from the Esc menu, when I normally play I'd usually only have 1 save and continue to overwrite it, although this time round when the game crashes, and I try to reload the last save, the game crashes, so I'd have to resort to a previous save, so I've been making saves into different slots to load them if I crash again and I can't load the latest save, so I don't have to go back to the one I made before I left the sewers.


As for the hours played, It's a new game, I've only recently come back to Oblivion and this is a fresh new game, I didn't start playing properly till I did everything and the game loaded.


EDIT: The problem gets worse, the games crashes as soon as I click play on the Oblivion launcher, this is the first time I've played since the crash earlier, restarting Steam didn't help, but restarting my PC did. This is so strange.

Edited by Iameggman
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OK ... that rules out any possible A-Bomb (stuck animation) problem.


Long ago I read in Wrye's Musings that overwriting saves can cause problems. Your's would be the first time I've seen anything like that (if indeed that is the cause). I always recommend to save in a new slot each time. Whether what I read in Wrye's Musings is true or not it at least gives you options. If you're low on hard drive space then clean out your saves folder more often. Delete saves you think you won't need any longer, keep some backup for the inevitable problems.


I have hard drive space out the whaazoo so I'm a packrat with my saves. I just move my older ones to my backup folder on a separate drive (I have a hard drive just for downloads, backups etc).


I'm not a load order expert, so I generally only ask questions about someones load order that either make no sense or aren't even close to the problem. That said, here it comes ... are you supposed to use both Enhanced Water v2.0 ND.esp and Enhanced Water v2.0 HD.esp at the same time? Improved Fires and Flames - Increased Sound.esp ... does it require anything (perhaps a Improved Fires and Flames.esp as a master ... I don't know, I'm asking)?

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I have 590Gb left in my haddrive, i will start making saves into new slots and see what happens, as for the Enhanced Water, I remember in the Installation there was an option to use either one, and I chose the HD so I don't know why that other one is there, i'll deactivate it and see what happens, As for the Improved Fires and Flames I don't think there is a master, Wrye Bash hasn't picked up anything like that, and it seems to be working fine.


EDIT: I deactivated Enhanced Water v2.0 ND.esp and I've been making new saves into individual slots, I fast traveled to the Kvatch Refugee camp, walked up the hill and took the quest about closing the Oblivion gate, during the quest I think I crashed twice, both from reloading after I died, though i managed to load the save without a crash the second time. I managed to close the Oblivion gate, fighting in Kvatch I encountered another crash when I died and reloaded, haven't tried to reload yet.

Edited by Iameggman
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One last word of advice I gleaned from Wrye Musings then ... and this one's hush hush, so keep it under wraps OK ...hehe.


Never load a save without exiting the game to the desktop.


Sound tedious as all get out, but I used that, the no quicksave and never overwrite advice to reclaim my first characters saves from your situation or probably worse. When I last played him he's got well over 1600 hours and still going strong. At about 200 hours (maybe a bit more) he couldn't cross a cell load boundary or go more than 5 to 10 minutes without a crash (I learned where all of the cell loading boudaries in Cyrodiil are). Didn't get fixed overnight, but I stuck with it and that's the result.


All he'd ever get in way of crashes after healing up was the normal modded game type crashes. If you get into the habit of saving and exiting to the desktop every hour and a half or so (once your save get stable enough to make that long) you'll be doing all you can to take care of your character's save health.

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Hello, I have similar problem like lameggman. The game never crashed indoors, most of the time it crashes when entering cell or loading area.


I tried:


"coc center trick"

recreating oblivion.ini

disabling autosaves and creating new saves via menu

changed few things in load order


Here is my Load Order:



00 Oblivion.esm
01 EnhancedWeather.esm [Version 1.4.4]
02 Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm [Version 1.35Beta]
03 Better Cities Resources.esm [Version 5.5.3]
04 Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp [Version 3.5.1]
++ UOPS Additional Changes.esp
05 UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp [Version 1.0.0]
06 Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp
07 DLCShiveringIsles.esp
08 Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp [Version 1.5.5]
++ USIPS Additional Changes.esp
09 Better Cities .esp
0A EnhancedWeather.esp [Version 1.4.4]
++ phinix-waterfix.esp
0B AliveWaters.esp
0C AliveWaters - Koi Addon.esp
0D AliveWaters - Slaughterfish Addon.esp
0E Book Jackets Oblivion.esp
0F Enhanced Economy.esp [Version 5.4.3]
10 Display Stats.esp [Version 2.0.1]
11 Enhanced Hotkeys.esp [Version 2.3.1]
12 DLCHorseArmor.esp
13 DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.8]
14 DLCOrrery.esp
15 DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.5]
16 DLCVileLair.esp
17 DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.10]
18 DLCMehrunesRazor.esp
19 DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.6]
1A DLCSpellTomes.esp
++ DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.1]
1B Immersive Weapons.esp
1C DLCThievesDen.esp
1D DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.12]
1E DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp [Version 1.0.12]
1F Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp [Version 1.35Beta]
++ Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul - No Daedric Items.esp
20 Creature Diversity.esp
21 BrotherhoodRenewed.esp [Version 1.1.2]
22 24HrArenaAliveV2.esp
23 DLCBattlehornCastle.esp
24 DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.9]
25 DLCFrostcrag.esp
26 DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.9]
27 Knights.esp
28 Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.1.5]
++ Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul - Knights of Nine.esp
29 Harvest [Flora].esp [Version 3.0.0]
++ Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.esp [Version 3.0.0]
++ Harvest [Flora] - DLCVileLair.esp [Version 3.0.0]
2A Harvest [Flora] - DLCFrostcrag.esp [Version 3.0.0]
2B Better Dungeons.esp
2C GMArcheryRebalance.esp [Version 1.0]
2D Grass Overhaul.esp
++ Improved Fires and Flames - Increased Sound.esp
2E P1DkeyChain.esp [Version 5.00]
2F Basic Physical Activities.esp [Version 1.3]
30 RshAlchemy.esp
31 RshAlchemyRecipes.esp
32 SM Combat Hide.esp [Version 1.2]
33 StealthOverhaul.esp
34 Ayleid Arcane Archer.esp [Version 2.7]
35 Push Combat Ability.esp
36 Magic Spell Perks Balanced.esp
37 1em_Vilja.esp [Version 4.04]
38 Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp [Version 2.0]
39 Better Cities Full.esp [Version 5.5.3]
3A Better Imperial City.esp [Version 5.5.3]
3B Better Cities - No LEYAWIIN Flooding.esp [Version 5.5.0]
3C GOSH.esp
3D GOSH Region Ambiance.esp
++ 1em_Vilja_OCOV2.esp
++ 1em_Vilja_OCOV2_By_jet4571.esp
3E Bashed Patch, 0.esp
3F Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul.esp [Version 4.3.1]




I tried to mod Oblivion very carefuly to avoid conflicts and installed all the mods correctly. I merged the mods with Wrye Bash. Tes4edit finished loading without errors.

All tips would be really appreciated! :blush:

Edited by Morokura
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