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Trouble with OBMM


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This is what happened. Today I started my game and it got through about a second of Bethesdas opening credits and then... it just shut off. I went to check OBMM for some kind of conflicts/load order problems and found none. When I closed obmm, I got a message saying, and I quote "Fatal error. An unhandled exception occurred. Extra information should have been saved to 'obmm_crashdump.txt' in oblivion's base directory. Error message: The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable."

Now I have to use task manager to turn of obmm. I honestly did nothing to tamper with any files after the last time I played (perhaps 16 hours before) and in three years of having no game breaking problems and having put 200+ hours into playing several characters, nothing like this has happened. Is this a message from the gods to upgrade to bain/bash?

Please help. Much love.


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First of all, check your hard drive for errors. Right click on your hard drive in Windows Explorer and select:

Properties / Tools / Error Checking / Check Now.


You will have to reboot to allow Windows to check the drive thoroughly. If everything checks out ok with your drive, uninstall OBMM, redownload it and reinstall it. If any of the omods have been corrupted, you will have to redownload those, too.

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