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Recommend adult mods for TES Oblivion


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I'm guessing you're more interested in female stuff than male stuff.


Start with EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion. It comes with either E cup or C cup body sizes to choose from, and more importantly it comes with a clothing and armor replacer that is compatible with the HGEC body. The way body replacers work is all females in the game will be whatever size you install. There are ways to get the player character her own size ... it's a bit more involved and I wouldn't recommend starting out trying it. Get your feet wet and learn a bit and we'll get you up to speed on it later.


You can also add BBB (Better Bouncing Boobs) to EVE. The BBB system has requirements, all of which must be met before you'll get any BBB.


First is a replacement skeleton.nif (that's the file the game uses to hang your body, clothes and armor on ... looks more like a stick figure than an actual skeleton). I recommend Universal Skeleton Nif. Install the ControlableSkeleton version, not the TotalControlableSkeleton version. If it turns out down the road you install a mod that requires the TotalControlableSkeleton version you can make the switch easily then (there are limitations and workarounds required for the TotalControlableSkeleton version that you need to be aware of). I personally use the ControlableSkeleton version from BBB Ragdoll Breast Physics - Growlfs Skeleton ... adds a little extra and is based on the same skeleton as Universal.


The skeleton.nif won't do anything without replacement animations. The defacto standard is NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer ... use it.


So now you'll need to upgrade EVE with BBB upper body mesh replacements. If you installed E cup for body go with BBB for EVE HGEC stock replacer and if you installed C cup then use BBB for EVE stock replacer - Ccup. Note that only the E cup version includes both armor and clothing (C cup is only clothing ... might influence your choice way back there where we started).


To get the game to use your new animations you'll need to do something called archive invalidation. By default the game will only use stuff from it's compressed archive files called BSAs (think a ZIP file format but Bethesda's version of it). The simplest way to activate archive invalidation happens to be with the same tool you'll need to use to install NoMaaM ... Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM). NoMaaM comes in a format called OMOD, which is also a compressed format similar to ZIP but is specifically designed to use install scripts designed for it in OBMM.


Archive invalidation is found on the Utilities menu -> Archive Invalidation. Select BSA Redirection at the top, click on Reset BSA Timestamps if you use the Steam version of the game and finally click on Update Now down near the bottom and then close the Archive Invalidation dialogue.


While you have it open (and I'm assuming you've done the archive invalidation before you install NoMaaM) it would be a good idea to click on the Help button. Everything I know about using OBMM I learned from there.


The installation of EVE will also be simplest if you download the OMOD version (the script will walk you through the options, just like NoMaaM's script does for it). The skeleton.nif and BBB replacements are manual install only.


That'll get you started.

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