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No scars


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I have the same problem with missing scar choices. The slider is there, but no choices show up. There's another slider that lets you choose how visible the scar is and I pushed that out to the max, still nothing. But I'm unsure about the patch stuff? I'm pretty new at the whole-behind-the-scenes stuff. Do the patches automatically update when you start the game? Or am I supposed to be going somewhere to download them myself? :confused:

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It should be. What's the current version number? And my hair isn't that shiny; but I'm not running on ultra so everything isn't as polished as it could be.


Also... freckles? I see freckles and moles in the skin complexions, but no option for freckles. Is there a slider for freckles xD? I MUST KNOW! Because if there is, I'm being denied the freckles, too.

As a carrier of freckles in the gene pool of humanity, I say yuck to freckles! Boo...hiss...!

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