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Harder hitting opponents


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It bugs me that I can pick an NPC as a companion (CSR) that is a Master Guard, or watch a Guard fighting, and they all fight aggressively but do very little damage, at lv4 my mr nobody special will dispatch 3 of the 4 wolves while the Guard/Companion does one and its not just down to strength as they can carry far more than my guy....Soooo: Is there a Mod that will change this or perhaps a game "ini" setting that can make it worthwhile to have someone else around instead of just using them as cannon fodder?
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Youve got your Difficulty bar in the menu screen, I doubt you can take on everyone as a lvl 4 with your difficulty slider at max.


But if youre looking for action-filled fights and such, oblivion just isnt the game for you :P imo oblivion has the lamest combat system and class system, not to mention spell system and about anything else combat-related. I still love the game though.

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Yeah I realised many years ago that I won't take on the world at lv4, but we all love to restart and try different things, but I'd still like to know if there's a mod or setting to make NPC's hit as hard as my char does...is it hard coded into the game that they're not allowed to hurt things...no matter how strong they may be?
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Yeah I realised many years ago that I won't take on the world at lv4, but we all love to restart and try different things, but I'd still like to know if there's a mod or setting to make NPC's hit as hard as my char does...is it hard coded into the game that they're not allowed to hurt things...no matter how strong they may be?


Ah, as hard as your char hits, eh. Well, I cant answer you on that one.

But still, I'd say, play around with your Difficulty Slider untill you find a suiting one. I usually play with mine just above half.

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