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custom effect shader affecting every creature and NPC


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I made a pink version of the shock damage shader and attached it to my summoned pink atronach. Now every creature and NPC have the pink shock damage effect.

Any ideas?

I'll remove the effect from the magic effect spell and maybe just attach it to the atronach in a script...


I'll bookmark this.


edit- removed the effect from the magic effect spell and its no longer appearing on everyone.


Anyone know the ins and outs of why it happened?

Edited by templeofninpo
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Because the magic effects are defined globally for everything and everyone.

You can't change a magic effect for only an actor or a spell. It's everything or nothing.


To play that effect on your atronach only, you must create a separate shader effect (you can duplicate the shock shader effect and change the texture in the clone). Now you can play it from within a script, attached to the actor.


If your atronach should be able to cast pink shock spells... the only way is use OBME to create a new magic effect, identical to Shock Damage, but with the pink texture.

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