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OSR, Streamline, PCB causing crashes?


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Hey, I have been modding Oblivion for years now and have always had a similar mod lineup but recently purchased a gaming laptop with a high end card and thought about going all out on some Elder Scrolls modding.


Now I am used to having nearly no crashes at all on most of my builds for Oblivion in the past but I have never ran all the high def textures, I always used the Lite versions of QTP3 and never tried RAEVWD, etc.


I have QTP3, RAEVWD, OBGE (just godrays and cell shader on). Did all the INI tweaks, 4gb enabler on the EXE, so on and so forth. I have always used PCB, OSR, and Streamline on my older (now low end) gaming rig so during my first install on the new PC I went with those. At first I was experiencing crashing rather often, mainly during zoning/loading.


I removed PCB because it seemed I didn't need it since I was only using the Cell Change buffer from PCB since Streamline was doing the loading/zoning clearing. I kept crashing during zoning and sometimes when equipping items in my inventory so after some further research I made the following changes to Oblivion Stutter Remover:


bReplaceHeap = 1
iHeapSize = 1000


That seemed to make the game playable with about 2-3'ish crashes per hour, sometimes less. What I am wondering is if Streamline's purge on loading/zoning could be causing crashes? The only thing I have turned on in Streamline right now is the Streampurge with the following settings (I just turned off PurgeOnTravel to see if it is causing crashing):


set SLh.SLmode to 3 ; Memory Purge Mode (1-6)
set SLv.PurgeOnTravel to 1 ; Purge memory on travel & zone?
set SLv.PurgeOnWait to 1 ; Purge memory when character waits?
set SLv.PurgeOnSleep to 1 ; Purge memory when character sleeps?


Oh and I am also using "Clean-up" which is found here: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/24606/? but I know very little about this mod or whether it can cause crashes like this. I think the crashes were occurring before installing Clean-up however.


So I guess my question is... What could be causing the crashing when I change equipment in the inventory menu? And could crashing during zoning be mod conflict or is it most likely settings in OSR or Streamline?

Edited by Murielkai
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It seems Streamline was causing more crashes than it was preventing. After removing it completely the crashing was greatly reduced. I installed the PCB Loading esp again and it seems relatively stable with 1 crash or so an hour, usually when traveling or zoning.

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For the longest time I had the mentality the Streamline 3.1 is great, as long as it's configured right. That meant, at the least, disabling StreamSaves because they introduce higher, not lower, chances of corrupted saves (and my games pauses for a second when I save, so frequent StreamSaves means tons of gameplay interruptions).


Then I disabled StreamPurge because PCB is simple and works fine. Then I started disabling StreamSmooth because OSR can do it better. Then I disabled StreamSight because All Natural can do it just as well. (Choose a "make the world smaller" fog setting - it's not claustrophobic at all, the world still feels plenty big.)


All of which means, Streamline has disappeared from my load order. I set OSR's heap setting to 5, and I've read that iHeapSize should be no greater than 768 for best results. Then I added the MoreHeap mod on top. Finally, I use ENBoost v0.259. ENBoost means you can't use and big graphical stuff like OBGE/OR/ENB. Which is a shame. But it also means I almost never crash. Like, 0-1 crashes per 3-hour session. My game is amazingly stable.


That's with All Natural, Enhanced Vegetation, QTP3 Redimized, RAEVWD pretty much maxed out, all Unique Landscapes, Better Cities, and some monster-sized world expansions like Elsweyr Anequina and TWMP Hammerfell/Stirk/Topal Isle/Valenwood Improved. With a mid-range graphics card from 2012 and 1GB VRAM.


Pretty visuals from OBGE or an ENB preset would be great, but for me the stability provided by ENBoost is worth the trade-off.

Edited by subtledoctor
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