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Mod Load order in NMM doesn't match in game


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Confusing title I know. Basically what I mean is that when trying to add an item from a mod via the console, the first two digits of the item ID should match the mods position in the load order. However, it does not. One mod was off by 4 positions (object ID wasn't found until I input an ID with a position 4 higher than it was shown in NMM/FNVEdit). Another mod, which was lower on the list than the previous, was 6 positions higher!


I really have no idea why this is, what is causing it, or if it is having any unknown effects on the game.


For reference, I am using NMM, NVSE, 4GB, and have my load order sorted appropriately. My game is very stable and I have not encountered any noticeable bugs in ~40 hours of my current play.

Edited by Zeigeist
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I've had this happen before. I think it has to do with inactive mods in your load order, though I'm not entirely sure.

Not a bad thought, but I'm not sure. I do have some inactive ESPs, but the positions don't relate with the numerical jump in my load order.

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What mods does this happen with?

I can post a full load order later, but the mods that I noticed the jumps with were The Inheritance (Load: 66 - in game had to use code 70) and the stranger one was Weapons of the New Millenia (ESM, Load: 22 - had to use cod 28).


If anything, I'd have thought it would have been the reverse and the lower down would have been pushed back more, as I said, very strange but I haven't actually noticed any ill effects on my game yet because of it.

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