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The fighting can really take the realism out.


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I don't want to slash at somebody 15 times just to reduce his health down to half.


In reality, the fight should only last like two or three slashes, and that also depends on where you hit.

It shouldn't only apply to the NPC's either! I want to be dead after two or three hits, and that'll encourage me to block better and not be an idiot!

I thought Deadly Reflex would help with this, but it doesn't as much as you'd think.


What do you think?

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I think your drunk...


Apart from that I completely agree with you, a more realistic fighting system would be heaps cool. Although it would make the game extraordinarily difficult if you're fighting more than one person, or that person has archers to back them up.


However, if this was to be applied to the arena only I think it would have merit, otherwise I think the massive increase in difficulty would be unfeasible.

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Well with deadly reflex I nornally kill enemys with one or 2 shlashes with normal difficulty... For example I impale and then automatically spin to cut his head off... Or if I wanna use normal head off move i just cut him once somewhere and he is weak enough to be cut in half...


Well the player damage is really a problem... Well not a Problem it´s good that you don´t die with one arrow r so... I have the german expansion for that knights of leyawiin who fight the blackbowbandits.

In front of their base 5 bows are waiting for you... Dodging them all is hard. And the leaders don´t use bow but they are really good in closecombat... They run to you, kick you down and impale you... Well uslually they give you a chance but sometimes not^^


If you´d die by one hit the game was sooo stupid hard! Even the main quest... Have you ever come back from an oblivion gate without getting hit one time? If yes you´re incredibly good or a cheater^^


But for a 1 vs 1 fight that would really be cool.


For example an arena fight witch a weak opponent with a incredibly strong sword... He dies with one slash and his sword kills you with one slash...

Would be a good idea for a mod^^



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I agree this is really frustrating (I think thats spelled right) and you should be dead after MAX 5 :verymad: hits like with arrows if you hit someone in the leg he should limp or if you hit the shoulder it should bleed and that NPC shouldn't be able to use his hand as well and with the axes and maces he should brake his leg or something if they would fix this Oblivion would be more cool :thumbsup:
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I'm talking moving away from the hack and slash aspect of Oblivion and turning it into a more of a... life simulator.


The thing about it is that the difficulty setting doesn't help at all. It doesn't make the AI smarter, it doesn't make them do things differently.

The NPC's just take about 150% more hits than usual. Which is completely idiotic!


A good difficulty setting would radically change the AI from just standing and hitting to moving around, blocking, bashing, etc. Deadly Reflex REALLY helps in this aspect, but I've found fights to STILL last only 15 to 30 seconds because the AI is too, well, dumb. Raising the difficulty only makes it longer, but I will always survive unless I'm outnumbered greatly.


But one thing that IS fun is the outnumbered battles, when you have like 4 people against you, two archers and two fighter. It's hard to constantly avoid the arrows by keeping the fighter between you and the archers. Then after you take the fighters down, you have to be smart about using your shield to protect against the arrows.

It's things like this that make the game fun. Deadly Reflex makes you think more about fighting, but it doesn't change things THAT much, just adds a couple more moves.


The AI should be smarter, period.

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There's a thing for that. Look at all of Duke Patrick's mods. He had taken some down, but most of the fighting realism are there.


Once I was hiding for 30 seconds to avoid 2 bandits at Velvyrin from killing me. Then when he ran out of the corner with a mace, I power attacked him, blade straight through the body, dropping him lifeless. I didn't have a bow, so I took off a shield, main armour and a helmet and raced onto the archer. One arrow to the leg took whole 1/2 of my health, but it wasn't too late. As she drew another arrow, I pulled out a shortsword I had sheathed awhile ago, and with a quick slash I sliced through the archer before I got shot.


Anything else?

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