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Using TESEdit to check for conflict?


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In the past I had an issue with Cheydinhal Petshop causing an issue with custom races where you cannot start the game, as though the fix for custom races stopped working because of the Petshop. Since then I have made myself a little more familiar with TESEdit and the CS and was wondering how I would check and see exactly what might be happening.


Any insight on where I would start to look or how?

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When you open TES4Edit it will have a dialogue with all of your ESPs selected. Right click and Select None and then put ticks beside the mods you want to check and hit OK. TES4Edit will load your selected ESPs and their masters. When you see "Background Loader: finished" at the bottom of the messages in the right hand pane with the Messages tab selected, in the left hand pane you'll see your selected ESPs and their masters with a plus sign beside each. Click the plus and all the various categories will be displayed, each with their own plus. Click on those and you'll either have more plus signs to dig down through or all of the entries will be listed. Conflict, identical records etc. are indicated by highlight and text colours ... the Information tab has an explanation. If you click on a conflicting etc. record in the left hand pane the details of that particular record are shown in the right hand pane with any ESPs containing that record heading each column.


I've had mixed success using TES4Edit to change a record ... you will get a warning about it. Details on scripts is pretty cryptic ... I couldn't make heads nor tails of that part (but it might point you towards the right script to look at in the CS).


TES4Edit makes backups of any ESP you change in Oblivion\Data\TES4Edit Backups, but I always make my own backup before messing about.


- Edit - Did you get my birthday present for you in the OCO v2 thread?

Edited by Striker879
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