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Westly's Master Head Pack X


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Hey all, i think i have a simple issue to fix here, so i would be grateful to anyone who can help!


i want to run Westly's Master Head Pack X for Oblivion, but oblivion keeps saying the esp is an invalid plugin. Any idea how to fix this? Are there plugins that are known to cause this issue for Westlys heads?


Let me know if you need to know more.



i have tried it even with all other mods turned off...

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You have asked this exact question on another forum and it was answered at 11:30 AM. You acknowledged this response at 11:55 AM. Then you come here 25 minutes later and ask the same question? I'm confused by this but nevertheless I'll repeat what was said earlier. It's a Morrowind mod... That's why it's invalid.


I wanted to post this so no one would waste their time trying to troubleshoot this issue, as it's not really an issue. :tongue:


edit: Ninja'd when I stepped away from the PC!

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