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Croatian Skingrad house


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So.....here is the idea.....I would love to have a Croatian house in Skingrad.....so if anyone excepts this request....,do this....1 floor: change just the wall curtains.....replace 50 percent of them with Croatian flags.....and replace 50 percent of all paintings in the house with shields: here are the pictures of them.... http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_gKfsH66oNLo/SSvUz3a9M9I/AAAAAAAAAyQ/I01aWph-uKM/s320/hrvatski+grb.gif , http://voiceofcroatia.net/Hrvatski_grb.gif , http://dalje.com/slike/slike_3/r2/g2008/m12/y130189207976680669.jpg , http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_7GCcONQZiNw/Sx1y4dWg2tI/AAAAAAAAAiw/62SAFk9TPSQ/s320/grb.jpg and set this as the main in a place where you can see it when going in the house.... http://www.hrvatskipovijesnigrb.com/images/paste129.jpg ......


turn the basement in an armor and weapon depot.....and put in it huge mass of armor and weapons(in creates and do separate weapon and armor creates) and place few dolls with armor equipped in the basement.....


Turn the second floor in an elegant democratic room....a room with a round table for guests and similar....something fine and pretty.....


And the sleeping rood....just add a Croatian flag and above the bed this shield: http://www.sabor.hr/lgs.axd?t=16&id=10354 and add this shield somewhere in the room: http://zeljko-heimer-fame.from.hr/images/hr%29vt-or.gif ,make it more beautiful.....more elegant.....that would be all

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