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Non-matching Face/Body colour on NPCS (KFollowers + NPCs of Dibella, Possibly More)


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I've installed a good amount of mods now, and after playing for a while, I noticed that a notable number of characters appear to have significant tonal differences between face and body, creating a pretty noticable colour change right at the cutoff point.


What I'm using:

  • CBBE w/ Bodyslide
  • Better Males - BN&F
  • NPCs of Dibella
  • KFollowers
  • Some other follower mods, which appear unaffected
  • Other mods that I don't think should have an effect on this, but probably do.


Things I've noticed:

  • It appears to largely be affecting followers
  • Orcs, Dark Elves and (I think) some Khajiit are affected
  • Characters from KFollowers (most notably Morthana, whose face is a reddish colour) and NPCs of Dibella (Most notably Jenassa, whose face looks near-tan, as well as Aela the Huntress, but I fear that may be something else) are affected
  • Changing the weight of the character reboots the face to a matching colour, but only until leaving a cell performing any action to load a cell

I feel this is affecting more than I have seen, and am wondering if anyone else has seen this happen and knows a cause/way around it.


Thanks in advance.

Edited by GroverA125
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Happens to me too.. I'm using Remodeled Armors and Immersive Armors and IA for CBBE-BBP, although so far it only affects NPC's in clothes. Followers (Maybe because of SBF) doesn't seem to suffer from it though. Will follow this should a solution be offered..

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