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Bonehead Questions


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I think this is actually my first post but I want to know why all the "Bonehead Questions" are replied to so many times. When I say "Bonehead" I am talking about the questions that if the poster would do a little research online they could easily answer there own question. I have a friend that when he needs real help to a more serious question, one that requires some knowledge to answer, it takes maybe a week or longer to get a response. Doesn't the moderators of this site get a notification each time a new post is made? and if they do why do questions like this get overlooked most of the time.
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I think it's because the "Bonehead Questions" are easier to answer then the serious ones, so the beginners can help answer the question. Where as the serious ones need more experience you would have to wait for an advance modder/technician to help you out and they could have for more pressing matter like work and such
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well, i don't know if moderators get notifications on any new post that is made, but since there are so many made per day, and the people here do work and have a life outside this site, they might miss it

besides, sometimes it may just take time

i know that there are many questions that were asked a few days ago, and LHammonds (which i think is the father of this community) came today and answered them


but like paganwannabe said, it is much easier to answer the simpler questions, rather than ones that actually require deep insight and such

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The moderators/admins aren't meant here to answer questions, although they will if they see they might answer it more quickly as most got a bunch of experience in a lot of areas.

None of the members is forced to answer either. If someone sees a question they think they can respond they will, if not they won't. It's a community, so it's about taking and giving without a return (but a thanks here and there)... but none is forced to it...not even the moderators/admins. And no they don't get a notification with each new post, I'd feel terribly sorry if they'd get an message when a new post is placed as then they'd get about 2500 messages a day. :biggrin:


Most threads are overlooked half of the time, mostly because other threads/posts are made because people didn't read the stickies or did some simple research (like using the search function in the first place.). But that's just the fact...I'd say it's mostly random when tough questions are answered. As most people can miss it, or simply don't know the proper answer because of its complexity. As easier questions can be answered more quickly they'll push the more difficult questions down.


One thing always counts...If it's not answered upon...people usually just don't know.

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I get the point that most of the ?'s are easy to answer and that is why they get all of the attention. The "Bonehead Questions" can be dealt with by the poster and a little common sense. Most of these "Bonehead Questions" are also answered by others who ask "Bonehead Questions". Anyways, the point being is that most of the people that have legit ?'s are being overlooked because of this. The Internet is a wonderful tool as long as you have the common sense to know how to use it, which most people don't.
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The Internet is a wonderful tool as long as you have the common sense to know how to use it, which most people don't.


I often wonder why its called "common" sense...


It's anything but common, and far too many people have no sense at all.

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I have a set of canned answers to a lot of what you call 'Bonehead' questions ( I have a different name for them). Most of them are asked by people who are new to the forums and really don't know that their question has been answered many times before. It's very simple for me to paste the answer. I do skim through several hundred posts a day, mostly looking for rule infractions - there are surprisingly few of these. Then I try to take on at least one more difficult problem each day. As is true for most people my own time is limited as I do have a life outside of the forums.


For those who do want to tackle the questions, 'bonehead' or more complex, please feel free to take a whack at tech support. But remember when you are tempted to give a 'bonehead' answer - once you too were a noob and needed help. Be nice to the noobs, the one you help may help you in return some day.

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