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Common Courtesy


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Do we as the human race no longer feel the need to treat each other with dignity and respect? Seems like a simple and possibly even a ridiculous question.



However, I would really like to hear what other people think about the subject of manners and courtesy. I'm not talking about being "politically correct". I just mean, do we no longer feel the need to speak politely to one another? Are we all so busy that we cannot take a moment to be pleasant?

I have read many threads and posts on The Nexus. Overall I believe that people attempt to be polite. However, I am amazed at some of the apparent lack of respect that is sometimes shown. We can debate and disagree. That is certainly what the "Debate" section is for. And the "Rant" section is for getting things off of our chests. There are many posters who go out of their way to express themselves with courtesy and to show respect for the other side's point of view. I, for one, certainly tend to listen to those posters a lot more readily than to those who seem to be spewing venom just to get something said with no interest in how it sounds to the listener.



In my opinion courtesy seems to be a disappearing trait, and I was just wondering what other people thought.

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ma'am I think it's like common sense both of them so rare it's a super power,a lot of people these days only care about what they want.I blame today's ways.why do I blame it? the same reason many of my friends(they are in their 40-60) blame it, it is all about instant gratification if it doesn't help them out in any way they don't care about.
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You know even with the political troubles and bad media press of Iran, we Iranians are very courteous people. We respect our elders, help people in need and are very respectful to strangers. Even though you rarely see any foreigner in Iran, we treat them with the up most respect as it is really part of our cultural heritage. My mother taught me to be respectful and to this day I take her word to heart, well most of the time...


With that said I think people forget that the Internet is still a public place and your posts will stay up forever. As with any public place, you better think what you are going to post, hence why there are rules in-place but it doesn't mean that people always follow them. People lost their jobs because they fowl mouthed their superiors on Facebook and really forget that what they say will go to the public domain. So there has to be an education campaign where people learn more about the ins and outs of the Internet.

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I too wonder where common courtesy has gone, Grannywils. One of the most disconcerting trends that I see is the way in which cruelty is taken for wit and used as entertainment, as in reality shows. People who are coarse and/or behave outrageously are said to be "Real characters" or a "great laugh", when in fact they are just darned rude. Take for example the rock/sports/film stars who make outrageous demands about things as trivial as the thread count of their bed linen, and then screech at the hotel staff if it is not quite right. Or the ones who just trash their rooms and get away with it. The trouble is, so many people these days are spoilt as children.


Here we have a debates forum. Now you and I, Grannywils, are a great example of how two people can have profoundly different opinions on a lot of things, and we have had some real "seconds out" moments, BUT we do it without abusing each other. Sadly, not everyone on here has such scruples and there are a number of posts where the line gets crossed between robust expression of views/passionate disagreement and actual terms of abuse. Luckily the highly professionally minded staff on here are very good at stamping on that kind of thing!


@brokenenergy, kudos for your well thought out post.

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I was taught manners when I was a boy. I do hold the door, not only for old women, but for everybody. I allways get a smile and a, "Thank you, this is rare these days". I agree that many youngsters have it too easy. I see it in my family. Allways mom or dad clean up for them, and let them do what they want. I feel a little sorrry, however, because they will have trouble later on in life.

I don´t want to make this an entirely rant post. I do also meet a lot of polite people, also young people, and it warms my heart and makes me feel a stronger urge to pay back with nice and gentle talk. Because of my nursery I do meet a lot of people at exhibitions, and fortunately it is the greatest part of the crowd that meets me with courtesy :yes:

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Interesting posts from everyone. It is true what you say, Ginnyfizz, you and I are good examples of people you are usually on opposing sides of a debate. But we manage to disagree politely. It is really not that difficult is it? And what Balagor says is true also, When raised with good manners, it does tend to come more easily. And then you find when you use them, it is appreciated, and usually returned in kind. And, Brokenergy, I am always learning something new about you. I know you live in Australia, and thought you were Australian. I did not know you were Iranian. So now I have learned something new about your culture as well. It is also good to hear from so many of you young people, because it is frequently young people who are accused of lacking in manners. But it is certainly not always the case. Kudos to all of you.


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When it comes to common courtesy its something that has to be taught early in life and some cultures seem to do a better job of it than others and its like Balagor said , the people who don't learn that will have trouble later in life . Consideration of others goes a long way in making your own life easier ,it makes you friends and friends are always helpful (well at least most times )
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