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Looking for a specific mod


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Long story short, I'm looking for a modder who has played Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, or just 2 for the ps2 and would be willing to create a questline for me. Would include a dungeon and possibly a fetchquest or two. It's for something rather important. Willing to drop $100 for the base completed mod, up to $100 extra depending on how much polish I think it has. Anyone interested?
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Um... I'm not sure, so don't quote me or anything, but I'm not sure you can offer that. Part of Bethesda's allowing modding terms is that unless they're made by Bethesda, they have to be free. Now, since you're offering to pay, rather than asking to be paid, I'm not sure. I'm no moderator, so I can't quote the rules or anything. Just saying, may wanna edit that there post...
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Yeah it's straight up infingement if you pay for it.


Oh and uh "It's for something rather important."


Is your family being held captive by Baldur's Gate fans? You can tell us, we'll send help.


Hah, it's for an eventual proposal, actually. An incredibly nerdy one, although a mod made because of a hostage situation would have to be the most awesome thing ever.


Well I doubt its illegal, aslong as the modders arent asking money for the actual mod.


after all, rovingthief is offering money to whoever decides to do this - the modder isnt charging anything.



Yeah, this is how I took the whole 'modders can't charge' thing. I thought if I offered, it was fine. If I'm wrong, no worries. I can just drop the whole thing.

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