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Nexus at NeoPets.Com


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Hello Nexus community!


If you have ever played or still do play around with Neopets.com you should join the guild I made specifically for people from the Nexus!




The guild is Invite Only, so you should Private Message me from Neopets to ask for an invite. Just make sure to specify that you are from the Nexus.


Currently the guild is blank of coding. If anyone who is good at HTML or stylesheets and etc please do help if you can. A good design that makes sense to the Nexus will get a council position in the guild.


I personally like Neopets.. Haven't been there in years, but I always loved cornering the market on something, lol.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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You haven't played in years? Neither have I. It seems to have become a horrible ad-strewn bog in the meantime. More sponsored games than actual games; more banners than content.. I'm scared of what'd happen with all the flash if I turned off AdBlocker. I do love that pet you have there, though.
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I haven't played in years. It's full with neocash crap now, which you have to pay for with real money. I don't like it, but it's mostly cosmetic stuff luckily.


I still jump in to buy stocks and collect interest though, and participating in the annual Altador Cup is always fun.


My account




Hmm, looks like there's another plot going on. Those can be pretty fun too, sometimes they are pretty hard.

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Wow. I haven't played this in years. All the memories. But it is the sole thing responsible of getting me into the world of HTML and from that, the web in general. The whole site looks different from what I remember...a lot cleaner, actually.


I've made several website layouts, code and graphics, from scratch including a vBulletin skin...but I'm piled up on things to do at the moment. And I'm sure there is someone out there on these forums who is better than I am, 100%.

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Ya, I think I'm going to go for a Hall of Torque guild instead. Of course, any nexus people are always welcomed if they care. :)


I remember the main point in getting NP was selling "custom" logos, which consisted of Google Imaging related searches, lol. I also tried my hand at hacking people my first week or so in that site many a year ago. I'd try things like Username Hannah123, password, Hannah.... It was really sad how often it worked, and awesome how much I got from it.. Till, of course, my account got frozen. Since then I just did the same-ol same-ol as everyone else and went along normally through the game with my other account, which is what 20% of all the hacked goods went to. But, karma being karma, I used a different computer to log in one day and they froze my account for "Being accessed by outside parties". I always thought that was really stupid. Banned for logging in on a different computer? How stupid are they? How many people who have computers now-a-days, especially a family which the thing is aimed at, only has ONE computer? Geez....


Now I just gamble and do the auctions. I have no more interest and haven't for a long time regarding anything in being the "bad boy". Heck, my main advertisement point in their boards is "HELP MY GAMBLING ADDICTION! BUY MY JUNK!" Awesome thing was is that someone bought a buncha-junk because they liked my ad... I was just being honest....


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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Povuholo... you... You joined EXACTLY one year after 3000 people died in the World Trade Centers? 9-11-2002.... There must be some kind of childish conspiracy involving genetically engineered, cute named animals going on here...
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Hmm, I remember days playing neopets aaaages ago. Gonna see if my account is still active, will edit if it works.


EDIT: Won't accept my old password and my emails changed since 2007. Maybe I'll make a new account, for a trip down memory lane.


ANOTHER EDIT: Created my new account, username is Madvillianxan and my neopet is a dog-thing which I have decided to name:

McBarkus the dog detective.

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Povuholo... you... You joined EXACTLY one year after 3000 people died in the World Trade Centers? 9-11-2002.... There must be some kind of childish conspiracy involving genetically engineered, cute named animals going on here...

I actually had another account that was around 1.5 years older but I lost that one, somehow. I don't remember.



And if you're going to look at everything that has happened on the 11th of September each year after 2001 you're bound to start seeing all sorts of conspiracies. :P

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