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Auto Swap Quick Slot Bar not working


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http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=31 this mod is not working for me, and I tried putting the files both in my


C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override




D:\Program Files (x86)\Dragon Age\packages\core\override


Frankly, I have no idea what the difference between those two directories are, so someone please explain this, because I am confused.


1) Why are there two different override directories?

2) What am I doing wrong, since my Quick Slot mod is not working?


Thanks for reading this

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Welcome, Aleque!


Hope we get you going.


a) The two different folders exist for two different purposes. Unless you are developing or deploying mods that change the fundemental game engine's operation, you don't need to pay any attention to the one in your "Program Files" folder at all. As a general rule, all "Community Developed" stuff is to be placed in the folders under the user's profile: "User's Documents".


b) Did you perhaps just put the ".rar" in your override folder?


The directions by the author are simple, straight forward, and standard:


"Just Extra the rar file, and put it into

Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override\




Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override\player_core.ncs "



What is not clear unless you know what's being said is that this means to EXTRACT the ".ncs" file from the ".rar", and put in in the "\[user's documents]\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override" folder.


You'll need "WinRar" or some other utility to extract the compressed file.

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Thanks for the reply. I know that they must be extracted, I have already done that. There are 2 files. player_core.nss and player_core.ncs and I have put them both inside the override folder, as suggested. But when I log into the game and swap the weapons, I see no changes on my quickbar. I tried swapping to set 1, removing some skills, and then swapping to set 2, it's exactly the same.. I am so confused.
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Hmmm, I just installed this mod (came as a ".zip" instead of a ".rar" anyway, so nevermind about WinRar) and so far it looks like it's working fine. In fact, it may be a keeper for me. Right now my PC doesn't have enough skilz to need the extra slots, but pretty soon now...


For me, the two weapon sets use two different Quickslots Bars, just as expected. I put my generic abilities and items (Stealth, Heals, Bombs) in the same positions on both, then the Archery-specific ones (like Scattershot and AoS) with my Rogue's bow, and the dual-wield ones (Momentum, Twin Strike, Flurry) with the twin daggers.


Switching weapons using either the "I/II" icon or the "/" key swaps the bars as well.


Sooooooo... need to ask, "What patch level are you on, and what other mods are you running?"

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latest patch and i have: Autoloot, Dog Whistle, Larger Font, No Helmet mods

(By "latest patch" assume you mean 1.04... which I have as well.)


Anyway, that's not many mods, so even though I don't see any that I would think could cause this, I would suggest disabling/removing them (temporarily, of course) to see if that clears the problem. If so, then put them back one-at-a-time to identify the conflicting one. If not, then in the words of Boz Scaggs, "we go deeper..." :confused:

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Further use of this mod has uncovered that if the PC or NPC doesn't HAVE a second weapon set equipped, the second Quickslot Bar is identical to the first. I encountered this with a Mage who only has a single staff. "Switching" (to bare hands, in this case) had no effect on the contents of the bar.
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Further use of this mod has uncovered that if the PC or NPC doesn't HAVE a second weapon set equipped, the second Quickslot Bar is identical to the first. I encountered this with a Mage who only has a single staff. "Switching" (to bare hands, in this case) had no effect on the contents of the bar.


Nope.. exactly the same. I see no difference even when disabling all other mods. To be more exact what I did. I went to this exact link http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=31 then I chose AutoSwapQuickslotBar_v6_1 file and put both of the files inside the zip format, into my C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override


How should I be able to see, whether that mod is working or not? I tried removing one ability, swapping weapons, and the next actionbar still looked the same

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...How should I be able to see, whether that mod is working or not? I tried removing one ability, swapping weapons, and the next actionbar still looked the same

The first time I loaded a current game after adding this mod to my "[user's documents]\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override" folder, my QuickSlot Bar was totally empty.


I added a couple of inventory items (potions, bombs, etc.) to their "usual positions", then switched weapon sets. Now, the QSB was empty again. So I added my standard items to this QSB. Then I added some abilities (Stealth, Stealing, etc.) Switched back to 1st weapon set, those slots were empty, so added them back. Lastly, added the talents (Scattershot, AoS, etc.) specific to weapon set 1, then went back to weapon set 2 where those slots were still blank, but this time I put in the dual-wield talents to go with the twin daggers I use for that set.


Now I can switch back-n-forth with ease, and have the "right" stuff on the QSB without having to clutter it up with things that aren't useable when the appropriate weapon isn't equipped. :thumbsup:


[EDIT] If you're "Paused" when you switch weapon sets, the "2nd" QSB doesn't appear until you Un-Pause.

Edited by Thandal
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