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morrowind controls reset on windows 7 fix?


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i am having issue with the controls and mapping them how i like. i have been through every forum and can't figure it out.. my controls reset and i've done everything i can think of.

allowing control through registry. full access.
full control over entire folder for every user.

moving install to various paths. (c:/ and users folder and documents)
making so everything can be writen and not "read only" in the folder.

do i have to fully reinstall the darn game to a different path? at this point i assume moving it changes nothing in the registry, so "installed path" stays program files?

idk, it keeps resetting my controls. i have disked versions of GotY patched, and MGO 3.0 installed, along with a exe. modifier to play without the CD (tho i do own the game, its a pain swapping from my PC to laptop, and if i forget my game on a trip, i'm SoL.. lol)

maybe one of those are affecting but not sure. any ideas?

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