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Has anyone else ever had this happen?/gotten to this point.


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That is to say, have you ever gotten to the point that you just dont give a damn anymore.


I have. I have many times but today it felt a little diferent.


I logged into Going Rogue as my mightiest character. This charactwer was level capped. But also very old, dating back to the beta many a year ago.. A real literal living legend with hundreds of logged hours, near perfect skills and an spotless record.


But I found myself back in the newbie area, Atlas Park. A long time ago, i would have looked at the pitiful crowd of whelps that gathered around the level capped legend among them with a smile. I used to a class trainer a long time ago, teaching runts how to fight like real warriors.


But those days are long past and today all that I felt was a vague sort of contempt. These were weaker than the gum I scraped off my boot this morning, And I simply couldnt bring myself to think of them ever being anything more than the useless garbage that was standing before me.


That really struck me as unusual. I've lost faith in humanity a loong time ago, but this felt diferent. I may have lost faith in them, but I still felt a vague sense of patriotism toward the species in general. Now even that feels like it's gone today.


I think it's about experiences. Many a giddy hippy will procclaim that there is good in everyone, that everyone's life is worth living, that nobody is worthless, but today I really just think the morons who wrote those plattitudes need their heads read.


Life is simply an endless powergame. The strong survive, the weak do not. The strong rise by annihilating the weak. By advancing oneself by any means possible does one become strong. Life is in the moment, a game of will and power, the strong have the willpower, the strenght, and the hatred to survive the attempts of the weak to drag them down, the weak lack the empowering heartless streak of the strong.


The truly strong see the world for what it is, cause and effect, weaken a man today and you'll be able to have his job in a year if you play your proverbial cards right. Likewise, avoid friends, avoid letting yourself be weighed down by weakneing forms of emotion. It's all well and good to allow yourself to be loving, sentamental, but that's just more will to power. Life is a struggle, the weak sink and the strong rise.

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a loss of faith un humanity should fuel the fire to improve it

you are human, and as the pledge i took as a bleck belt says that we owe a debt to many for helping us get to the point we have come to, a debt that we shall never fully repay, and the only way to repay it is to assist those who come after us to acheive their own black belt and even more. So therefore life is now a powerplay, but a powerpath where the powerful must guide the less powerful to power, the old must make way for the new, constantly. If we refuse to step down after our time has passed, it will muck things up, wars will break out, and hate will conquer love. We must all show that love is a powerful force, as ozzy sung "maybe its not too late to learn how to love and forget how to hate"


Therefore, V-dude, show compassion to those weaker than yourself... or do i have to pull telology and utilitarianism on you? (ethics clas ftw)

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I've done my time herding weaklings.


That's the whole point.


I've fought and fought and broken free of the dragging dead weight of others, only to find that the world beyond that is simply a teeming endless see of the incompetant, the retarded, the incapable and the pathetic.


My faith in humanity is completely gone. My respect for humans is completely gone. And Im starting to suspect that my sense of empathy. which never was particularly strong, may soon follow suit.


In every job I have ever taken on, I have been exceptional. I've never been the worst at somnething, that's always been someone else's cross to bear.


I've always been the cunning one, the one who was always finished and ready to move on five minutes sooner than everyone else. The one who always had that forewarning advantage of greater knowledge. The one who worked out the solution to the problem first, while there was still a reward to reap.


And likewise always the rest, the hundreds of them, have simply "not been as good" other people have always been slower to work, slower to comprehend, slower to remember, and faster to forget. Just not as able to move from one task in life to another.


I think the problem is, as it always has been with me, is that I simply cant imagine life without the advantages nature bestowed upon me.I never have been one of the thousands, the millions who are "ordinary" I've always had some forknowledge, some talent of shear ruthlessness that's seen me through enough to be above them, and because I've never been one of he weak, I cant empathise with them.


You talk about love and brotherhood-you cant empathise with something you've never experienced. Beause I've never gotten into the habit of trusting others, let alone liking them. Certainly, I've met two women I've loved, but I feel more empathy for snakes and spiders than I do for ordinary people.


The common man simply doesnt factor into my consciousness the way it seems to for you. I've never had to live as a commoner, as one on the outside of the inner circle of power. And I just cant imagine what life would be like for such a man.

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Wow, such a Darwinist. What happened to helping others in need? Even the most stubborn people on earth need help. You are just bitter.

No kidding.


Vindekarr, I used to respect your opinions and ideas a bit more before, but your intense hatred to seemingly everything makes me question them. We cannot love without hate, but you have far too much dislike. You seem to always be boldly pointing fingers at everyone. I used to think maybe you were just over exaggerating things, but apparently it isn't so.


I think you need some help, man.

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So...you're saying you have difficulty emphasizing with the less fortunate because you have never been in such a position yourself? To me, all that seems to be is an excuse. As far as I can tell from your post, You're simply making excuses to justify your unwillingness to help others.
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And what makes you think I've even got one?


Even more so, what the hell makes society deserving of my love and care?


I've given a lot to society in twenty years. Charitable donations, my signiture to numerous petitions that improved the lives of many. I've helped the poor organise their lives better and given many something to brighten their day while working as a jorunalist.


The only reward given was money. And trust me, I had plenty of that from the start.


Society is a fat greedy slug slowly devouring all good deeds done in it's name.


I've talked to many people of a similar background to mine. People who have worked charitablty for years, even decades. Karma is a false concept to put at rest the minds of those who wasted their lives in thankless service to a greedy horde of ungrateful peasents.


It's all the same story too: "I put my heart and soul into helping people and all I got in return was a leg full of shrapnel" I know that feeling, not only do I have a shard of metal in my leg, holding it together after some filthy police horse stepped on it and broke it while I was protesting for gay rights.


All other people do is take. They take constantly. The swarming horde of filthy socio vermin is like a herd of pigs. They'll devour everything you give them, become fat and disgusting, and all for no return.


It's time for either somebody else to pick up the torch and teach society some manners, of for that fat obcene sociological slug to meet with a proverbial pot of boiling salted water.


Despite what you think I have people I care about, comerades, allies, a fiancee, it's the endless filthy peasent's Im sick of.


The world has simply too many of them. They amount to nothing, they will never amount to anything., An endless horde of retarded greedy worms sucking the lifeblood out of the nation and world. Their only contributions in return greenhouse gasses and feaces.


Fankly they can burn in hell for all I care, every single one of them. I've worked hard for a decade fighting for rights, fighting against unjust laws, giving to those in need, and all I've gotten in exchange is a permanent limp and some scars.


And it's not a matter of wanting something physical either. Money doesnt mean anything to me, it's paper and plastic, and I already have more of it than I need to survive comfortably, my income will keep me sustained in a life a frequent leasure sustainably for well beyond a human lifetime at this era in time.


What I wanted to see was progress. Well I got progress alright. My only true reward was to see through the lies of it all into the darwinian monster that devours all good.


Do you know what it feels like to donate your considerably yearly salary to world famous charity only to see the boss of that charity take every single cent of it and buy one of the world's most expensive cars for his own personal use? Or how it feels to watch a dear friend work for her entire adult life to give those with no job or education a second chance, only to have one such person take her handout, buy a gun and shoot her dead?


Both have happened to me in the last year. You talk about compassion? sure, I've felt that. it's a bloody trap, a lie. You give people a good deed from the bottom of your heart? they'll stab you in the back often literaly, I have watched two people I cared about, both people who devoted their entire lives to charity, killed simply out of greed or insanity.


If the teeming hordes of sunhuman filth were actualy worth the resources their "lives" consume, I would think diferently, but from the poorest right up to the richest, the world is inhabited by scum. worthy of neither pity, mercy, or compassion. Not even worthy of a bullet in the head.

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Well if this is how you feel then I feel sorry for you, I really do. I couldn't even be bothered to read your posts, you have issues and you dish it out on the innocent and expect us to welcome it with open arms. Really there are people dying and scientist and doctors desperately trying their best to improve their lives for the better and you come up and say that it is useless? This is what I want to do when I finish my studies, help those in need and you say that it is impossible and it makes me sick to the stomach that you give up so easily. From your posts, you are showing that you are in-fact the weakest person because you can't solve your own problems and you give up on mankind in general. Don't even bother replying because this is the last time I'll post I'm your thread and I'm sure that others are following suit.
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