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What will be the main differences between New Vegas and Fallout 3?


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Nothing in terms of the game play and what not. Storywise, it's like a sidetrack of Fallout3, with a new pc.


Edit: I should point out that the main difference between FO3 and NV is that NV brings back the old faction system and makes the game harder in the hardest difficulty while FO3 did not.

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-Takes place in Nevada and maybe part of California instead of DC/Virginia/Maryland

-Many ideas from mods used (realistic sky colors, survival mode, tons of more realistic weapons, ironsights, etc...)

-Faction system/reputation system

-Plotline related to original Fallout games (involves the NCR, Caesars Legion, etc...)

-Gambling added (What's Vegas without it?)

-You can now determine your character's age

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One thing also to consider:

The Devs have said that it will "end" like Fallout 3 did before Broken Steel came out. It's part of the story I guess...no loose ends to tie off this time.

E.g. Once the credits roll, that's it...you're done. Game over. :verymad:

This fact is (almost) keeping me from getting the Xbox 360 version. I don't want to get the PC version because of needing Steam...and some other reasons.


That is....until somebody inevitably makes a mod to let you continue playing!!! :biggrin::thumbsup:



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i am sure that they will allow you to keep playing after the game is over at some point. because there are so many different places to go and explore that requiring us to explore everything before we decide to end the main storyline is just stupid. and i think they realized that in fall out 3. so i dont think anyone should worry about that.
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i am sure that they will allow you to keep playing after the game is over at some point. because there are so many different places to go and explore that requiring us to explore everything before we decide to end the main storyline is just stupid. and i think they realized that in fall out 3. so i dont think anyone should worry about that.


Yeah, but "they" aren't the same people. Maybe Bethesda learned their lesson but this is Obsidian we're talking about. A different can of worms.

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Yeah, but "they" aren't the same people. Maybe Bethesda learned their lesson but this is Obsidian we're talking about. A different can of worms.


Obsidion is made up of the original creators of the Fall Out series, actually, so when it comes to the story, they know what they are doing :laugh:


As for the topic at hand.....and I am only going to say things officially confirmed and not go into speculation or spoilers......


NV is set five years after FO3.


Where the Capitol Wasteland is in a state of survival driven anarchy, NV is on the verge of social order being reestablished.


The game areas of NV were not directly hit by nukes durring the war, there is vegitation, color, what not.


Companions are easier to manage in NV and all the main ones give you some form of Perk.


Traits are part of char creation.


Perks are earned every other level, not every level.


Level cap starts at 30.....and stays there.


Girls can be pretty out of the box based on some of the footage.


Faction standing has more to it than random accidental friendly fire setting an entire group hostile to you.


Wearing faction armor has stealth benifits, something described as the disguise system (note that if you wear the garb of an enemy faction even your friends will shoot you Like being friendly with CL and walking into a camp wearing NCR armor, they don't ask, they hit you with sticks)

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"i am sure that they will allow you to keep playing after the game is over at some point. because there are so many different places to go and explore that requiring us to explore everything before we decide to end the main storyline is just stupid. and i think they realized that in fall out 3. so i dont think anyone should worry about that."


Nope. Definitive ending.




Read down towards the bottom of the story section, toward setting.

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