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Castle Walky-mesh


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Hello people


I'm trying to make myself a nice castle, and was checking out all (vanilla) castle-parts. Though I do seem to recall seeing a stone walkway somewhere, I can't for the life of me seem to find anything... so I assume I saw it in a screenshot or something once.


What I'm looking for is basically the part between the green lines (picture below; part CastleGate03), preferrably tilable (with a mid and endsections, so it can be elongated) as a walkway between (for instance) towers...


Could someone please either point me in the right direction, or make these meshes?


Kudos (and a happy modder) will be involved.


Thank you,




PS; the title was supposed to be Castle Walkway-mesh, but my keyboard batteries need replacing.

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Hmm.. I'm not sure if it's even close to what you want, but take a look at the special walkway bridge meshes for Castle Skingrad. You can also use the Skingrad bridge sections for it, with some blocks on top as crenelations.


Otherwise, I'll go do that. Looks like it shouldn't take long.

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I had found those parts (assuming you mean SkBridgeSmall) and I do use them, but thing is that if I want to cross a smaller/bigger gap, it would become too small/wide due to scaling (and I use all sizes of towers).


So if you could make tilable sections, please do... you'd make me a happy panda :)



Thanks, Lucifer

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